Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 26 October 1944



Forgot to record, perhaps to take [forgot to consult the I Ching].


Work with  J.T. [Janet Taylor] bad. 3/4 killed me.


[Heroin] came.


Chits from Madge Proter ansrd [answered]. Ditto Tub [Alice Upham] & C12H22O11 [Sugar].


Wrote Z8 on Woman [for Magick Without Tears] (ab[ou]t 10 pp).


Memo circular get help on A.E.E. [Alexander Explains Everything—this was eventually published as Magick Without Tears].


Bowels still goatish. 2 gr[ains] H92C12 after const[ipation] & darr [diarahorea] at 9.15 PM. Cut dinner, of course.


