Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 11 December 1944



     [ACCESSION DAY changed by Crowley to Usurpation].


[I Ching hexagram] 6.


Joan I goes to Fray’s Cottage, W. Drayton Green M’sex.


7.30 PM. J.T. [Janet Taylor] phoned will come Wednesday.


Polkington at me again. [I Ching hexagram] 6 Sung! Damn!


£3.3.0 from Frieda [Frieda Harris] Xmas Pres[ent]. What can I give her? hell!


DW Atkinson Park Mount Nurs.[ing] & Conv[alescent] Home. 5 Meyrick Park Cres B’mouth. Yi symbol: 4 Mang. Yes! He came to be trained. Bought a Tarot [The Book of Thoth]. Shall I go to B’mouth for winter under his auspices? [I Ching hexagram] 29 Khan. No No No. Shall I use him as a stooge? [I Ching hexagram] 48 Zing. Yes the Well. Can get lots out of it!


