Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 13 December 1944
[I Ching hexagram] 54.
J.T. [Janet Taylor] here.
Faeces queer canon-balls with blonde patches in the rich brown; then some diarrhoea. General buggery.
1.5 AM (circa) Several things going bump in the night!
1.30 still shooting.
P[ai]d JT £5.6.0 inl Ashworths.
£3.3.0 petty cash.
Wrote Sup Police Aylesbury Pilkington per JT. Wire also. F.H. [Frieda Harris] re Payne Knight. Atkinson. W.B.T. [Dr. W. Brown Thomson] for 19th & 22nd.
Nice chit from Glady Mitchell.