Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 16 January 1945



[I Ching hexagram] 26.


AM Dictate account of series of misadventures of packet in good round terms, beginning with my order & the £10.


10.0 v.[ery] strange long dream of lost inheritance—£72.000 was part of time as "Charles Maltlby"—"every Scot from T.. to Thuso has a finger in it"—mixed with my gold & white striped silk suit.


Some good polishing-off with J[anet] T[aylor].


Wrote to L.U.W. [Louis Wilkinson / Letter - 16 January 1945] & Aossic [Kenneth Grant / Letter 16 January 1945] apology to Sadler [W. Dawson Sadler] etc. Protest to Dr. Ll[oyd] H[art]. I am enjoying life almost unendurably with C.B. [Charles Baudelaire] oh, how he is I!


