Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 5 February 1945
[I Ching hexagram] 59.
Dr. Charnock Smith to the rescue
again—40 1/6
J.T. [Janet Taylor] coming Tuesday.
Wrote D.F. [Dion Fortune].
Idea 30 letters for 10 g[uinea]s.
Alarmed about Dr. Ch.-S. [Charnak Smith] and possible trouble [with Heroin] from H.[ome] O.[ffice] their "regulations". I ask Yi: got [I Ching hexagram] Kieh 60. "Regulations"!!! Look at [I Ching hexagram] lines 3 & 4: might have been written on the spot as direct good advice! It is beyond all whooping! N.B. Put Mohur [gold coin] in [Peh: mouth] while I asked & twiddled.