Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 7 February 1945
[I Ching hexagram] 42.
To Adam sobs. Bayley [James Gilbert Bayley], Bray [Sangorski & Sutcliffe—bookbinders], Saturnus [Karl Germer], Dale, Mrs. Harris, Yorke [Gerald Yorke].
Drafted Financial Policy Memo to Saturnus*.
Reflection on Feb 10:3 AM. The King forbade duelling, because thereby he lost some good servants; but by stopping it, he lost them all.
* Feb 7 to Saturnus [Karl Germer] re financial policy of OTO
(1) AC's copyrights belong to OTO \ each new book, or set of essays, or what not, is a direct gain to OTO \ to keep him alive & at work, with secretarial help, must be the first charge on the Funds, whether labelled "Publication Fund" or otherwise.
(2) value of Grant [Kenneth Grant]. If I die or go to USA, there must be a trained man to take care of English OTO.
(3) We must run OTO as Constitution etc have laid down. N.B. VIIº must transfer real estate (He won't be interfered wtih in emploment or enjoyment of same; contrary, it safeguards him; in case he crashes, creditors can't sieze it. So with IXº. Some have paid in full; all part contributions can count as this. We must not let them complain that we are letting new-comers gratis into the Sov[ereig]n Sanct[uar]y.
(4) If in future all is done "well and with business way" AL III 41 it will put spine into Order.
(5) Note. Though totally incapable of carrying out business routine, my plans are sound. Only fault, they are too neat; thus, a small irregularity may bring ruin on the whole.