Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 2 April 1945



[I Ching hexagram] 36.


DST wounds my Intelligence!


[Heroin] came!


Sadler [W. Dawson Sadler] wrote an impure [I Ching hexagram] Ming I 36 letter!


On March 4 I asked Yi about 'Alys' reception-room. Got [I Ching hexagram] LV Fang: "Don't worry!".


To-day an incident, rather alarming; might be explained by ingredients of PD& Co's Tab Aper. I must ask plainly: is the symptom malignant? [I Ching hexagram] XXI Shih Ho: sounds an emphatic "yes". But did not my mental attitude impose itself upon the sticks? "Gnawing" is the exact term for the way the disease works.


Long chit from Jack [Jack Parsons].


