Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 1 November 1945



[I Ching hexagram] 41.


Vote for Vernon [Vernon Symonds]! (Town Council) (Rats! He had got in unopposed).


Chits from F.H. [Frieda Harris] (coming Saturday for day) ans[were]d. HA [Grady McMurtry] 777 still in France.


[Chess] V.[ersus] Polsen 2-0 v.[ersus] Moron 2-0. Chess v.[ersus] Kirk [Wilfred H. Kirk] 2-0. The 2nd game was unfinished, but I had certainly a won position: open, & B.[ishop] v.[ersus] Kt [Knight]..... My K.[ing] well in play; his not. That gabbling old cow came & spouted worse than ever. Difficult end-game too. Why can't they enforce discipline?


