Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 4 June 1946
[I Ching Hexagram] 50.
Mostly wet.
Idle: no real effort to read.
Exp[erimen]t with
7.30 P.M. 8 gr[ains] [Heroin] so far.
7.45 X.
8.15 XX.
v.[ery] active & irritable!
9.0 XXX. I feel “my self’.
9.30 XL.
10 1/2 worked on Gate of Horn etc v.[ery] tired? sleepy?
9.40 Reading easier.
11.10 Woke from unxepected sleep which must have started about 9.50. Dream—objective of exp[erimen]t—went on all night very fine.
Active in A.M. & eyes better than usual.
9 P.M. The President of the Senate, after Vaillant had thrown his bomb remarked with magnificent aplomb “Messeurs, la seance continue”. But the bomb had been made in the Municipal Laboratory of Paris. His aplomb was a plomb.