Leah Hirsig Diary Entry Saturday, 29 March 1924
5 P.M. Arrived at 9 this morning (2 days on train with one Tanner, of the London Times.
The Beast in bed, not so ill as he tries to think himself. I bet a dollar that the arrival of a big cheque would see him up and doing.
5.03 He talks with Ethyl [Ether] at his side.
5.07 "Why Wilson could ever be a Stateman." What is the constructive thought that shall help mankind? (He repeated it—so I noted it.)
Arrived Paris Mar. 29 (9 A.M.) after 2 nights on train in company with one Tanner of London Times.
A.C. very ill (great medicine would be a cheque.)
Much Ethyl [Ether].
Letters etc.—Financial situation!!