Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Wednesday, 9 April 1924




Dinner with Sylvia S. [Sylvia Sullivan] last night. She's a charming child.


11.20 A.M. 666 thinks he is very ill to-day. Bourcier's verdict and Aimée's [Aimée Gouraud] "I can't do anything" have certainly upset him, poor boy.


11.55 A.M. Have just read thro' 666's diary.


1.45 P.M. Sylvia been and gone and I have fed. She left me 5 francs.


Service on Apr. 1 1904. I was 21 years old. I was apptd. as teacher Mar. 1, 1904. I left the job Oct. 1, 1919. But I'm too happy to go on w[ith] what I intended to calculate. "Enough of Because"!


My immediate response to "What shall I do re Saturday" being "Do nothing, Trust the Gods!" leaves me no chance to deliberate or argue. I trust Them so absolutely that I am absolutely unable to take any active measures which would interfere with them. Neither have any room to doubt. I do not even hope. "I am not I, I am Nuit".







My birthday—champagne left bt Jaja [Jane Chéron] and 5 francs from Sylvia [Sylvia Sullivan]. We had a feast!


re Message from gods.


"I am not I; I am Nuit."


Aimée [Aimée Gouraud] flunks.

