Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Tuesday, 15 April 1924




Funny experience last night at Savigne's—I roar when I think of it. I paid my "after dinner" call on Sylvia [Sylvia Sullivan] but she was in the midst of her dinner, and we didn't have ours (such as it was) until after.


Bed at 10.30 and slept like a log. 666 woke at 6—then we both turned over and it was 9.20 when I awoke!


666 is better. He blows his nose in the sheets again! Also he making all sorts of wild schemes. Hell to him!!


Oh yes, we saw "Don Juan". He's a nice boy.


6.20 P.M. 22L. N.[o] G.[ood] except I'm sure Ninette [Ninette Shumway] should not send her deeds to the Old Grandmother.


