Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Wednesday, 23 April 1924




About 8.30 A.M. Msbtd [Masturbated]—Light.


9.10 A.M. Been out—got Ether—666 not well. He must have caught cold the day we went to Notre Dame—[?]. My left eye is pasted up badly.


6.20 P.M. 666 says "Enough of Because" when I ask him "why pity is a mistake". He made the statement and said he knew why and I didn't." Now he backs out, damn him. But it's all Ethyl's [Ether] fault.







A.C. caught cold at Notre Dame.


Ethyl [Ether]   —   Yi   —   Ethyl.







I descended to the telephone and met a blond gentleman whom I had seen the day of my arrival [at 50 rue Vavin]. My dull brain said 'Pilser' and refused to work along any other lines. after I had got through talking, I discovered it was Charvet's [a Paris shirt-maker] man. If they write to you just drop 'em a line that I knew nothing of the circumstances and that as M. Crowley had not yet tried on the shirt made by them you could not of course pay the bill. Also not to continue with the rest of the shirts until No. 1 has been approved, M. Crowley being too ill to try on shirts at the present. I'm hoping they won't bother you and I'm awfully sorry that my wits were not with me.

