Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Saturday, 3 May 1924




4 P.M. Cafe Dôme


I shall treat this as my diary for the present, my own being locked up at 50 rue Vavin.


This A.M. I called for letters home.


10 P.M. Mâitre Goerand. He was extremely sympathetic and helpful and talked to me on and off until 10.45 when he sent his so-called English-speaking clerk w.[ith] me to the Commissioner of Police. Clerk No. 2 had gotten the wrong man and we had to hustle over to the right one. There a something or other was recorded and Bourcier is supposed to be summoned to the Police to-day.


11.45 I telephoned to H.M.B. Consul where I received the information that the money had not arrived from London and also something to the effect that if Mr. C. tele[phoned] to people responsible to him of course it would be cabled. The information was clear.


By the way, the Vice C.[onsul] told A.C. that his passport was in order whereas it needed to be renewed Dec. 24/[19]23. Ha! ha!


I feel there is something in the wind re—. But why prophesy?


Last night— "money has just arrived but—". That's all I got.


