Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Friday, 9 May 1924




3.10 P.M. What has happened between the last entry is written in various books, in letters and statements etc. etc.


3.15 P.M. now—I know that several volumes could be written to advantage but one hasn't the time—and perhaps it is just as well.


 Owe for this room May 6—paid May 1 12 + [?] 32 + May 5 10.


Wrote Cefalů, going to 50 then to the Post and Goirand!


Copy from C.T. by A.C. (Date ?) Sent to O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] with "[?]" poems.


Oh, Mr. Coleman, where's your soul man?

"Our gov't has failed—durned nuisance!

Dictatorship's the only plan."

Ah, why not try the institutions

And [?] called—Republican?







Oh Mr. Coleman etc.

