Leah Hirsig Diary Entry Saturday, 10 May 1924
1.30 P.M. I am all in. The first evidence of this (which neither 666 nor I had the brains to see) was the case two days ago, when I stated firmly that I felt I could never have a break down again, I should know the advance symptoms and ward it off etc. etc.
"Me thinks the lady doth protest too much!"
The second was my flunking at both the P.[ost] O.[ffice] and by not going to 16 Place Vendôme as per instructions. Then I suddenly realized it.
These are advance symptoms and I refuse to assume any responsibilities outside calling for letters and taking notes until Monday.
Met Sullivan last night. He is still tied up with Sullivan. His universe is limited, that's his trouble.
I all in (at rue Jolivet—The Vals)
Sullivan [Sylvia Sullivan].
Pity—Oath. Need for blood.