Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Friday, 16 May 1924




11 A.M. Never, never is there time to write up my diary. Kennedy, Xul Solar and Sullivan [Sylvia Sullivan], to say nothing of Jones (the [American] lawyer) all turned up!!


I like Kitty—She is pure!


Lady Reporter yesterday. I see now why there are so many inexcusable statements made. Such Reporters are people with sufficient nerve and an empty stomach. They possess little else and certainly have no claim to knowledge of human nature and to of as much as spelling!


Hotel—room not touched for 4 days—no bill presented.


11.25 A.M.     A.X.S. [Xul Solar] Vision.


Yi [I Ching Hexagram] No. XXVII.


First thing comes in mind No. 6


Then vermillion.


Poetical assn—Rich brown of Temple, go through door.


Priest w.[ith] bluish coat—at one side he stands stupidly looking in.


Ask name—OE or something like that HohL (shelf)


Priest of—Confused because robe has nothing to do with him.


Buddhistic Associations.


Dualities of god?—Priest—doesn't care much of depth of things—prayer—my story of laziness—routine.


Care for most in life—fulfils duties as priest v[ery] well and then looks stupidly at things.


