Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Sunday, 18 May 1924




(Kennedy) in 27 in June 16 in Conjunction w.[ith] radical Jupiter of the Nativity. He gets on to the sun July 9 or 10.


and both in 9th house—that of long voyages.


The ruler of that house is threatened by Herschel retrograding towards the opposition.


11.45 A.M. Yi Vision A.X.S. [Xul Solar]


[I Ching Hexagram] Lingam of Sun XIII.


Big wall of bricks and big wall and hexagram. Hexagram on it. Door does not open but I go through Dark place. Somewhere round thing like an oven (Hols[?] 2 sticks) Somebody like a Hierophant or [?]. Sits on something—doesn't touch ground—I don't leave [?]—Rocks himself a little—Ghoulish—don't see face. He doesn't speak—he means something peaceful—Teacher. Very serious and high placed. Colour is yellow.


Very big head, eyes slit-like. He says something about firmness, steadiness, unwavering.


That must be a temple—no mystic feeling—rather of knowledge. Big things inside—stone. Feeling one would like to sit there too, cross-legged and meditate on knowledge and peace. An indistinct [?] or muttering of prayers or mantras—almost inaudible.


Name of Hierophant?  WA—Chinese even tone.


Quiet feeling—not prompted to speak, rather to sit and meditate.


God he serves—The God of Literature—A man persecuted by a bat. He stands and waves. Grotesque Chinese Figure. He worships the big Circle (over this circle).


Special message for A X S ? Suggest—be Steady and deep study and you'll come to peace.


 Feeling of innovation.


Like to think and go above thought.


A X S stayed until after 1—


2.20 P.M. Out to the "Margaret Sanger" for a Choucroute while 666 sandwiches at the dôme.


The receipted bill at No. 6 was presented during A X S's visit and paid. It felt good to be able to do it. Next?


2.45 I hear Nina's [Nina Hamnett] voice at the bar. I wonder who the man with the thick voice is talking to her?


2.55 Done. Ha! Ha! I thought so—it's that thick skulled American who sang all the old chestnuts at the Duigo the first night we saw Mary [Mary Butts] and Maitland [Cecil Maitland]. God!


