Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Wednesday, 4 June 1924




June 4


11 A.M.


I went to Paris and everything seemed to go wrong—but I survived it.


Bed at 9. Long dreams—woke at 3 AM and then slept until around 7.


My fountain pen has arrived. Behold the result!


Yes, I called on Xul Solar—he was "in bed" as usual. I waited 12 minutes and then beat it. . . I await an answer!


Dictation from 3 to 7 [Helios] (with tea in between). 666 in bed all day, not ill, but oh so tired! Raining like hell all day bloody weather.


9 P.M. 666 & Ethyl [Ether]—How I hate this business starting again! It is a beastly stink to those not using it. I have been trying all day to sew a bib. Every time I get the thing in my hands something or somebody interrupts.


