Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Friday, 6 June 1924




June 6


9 A.M. I had planned to write up my diary every evening but there is always something to prevent. Last night it was Sidi Bou Ali—Notes in 666's diary. This morning 7:10-15 A.M. Opus[1] 111(A) I did reverence to R.[a] H.[oor] K.[huit]. 666?


Bright sunny day. Hurrah!


3 PM Out for lunch, only we turned back and got here at 1PM. 666 sleeping—I want a hat! Headachy, tired and heavy. A long dull (though bright) day.


41 g. w/Turban to XUL S [Xul Solar].—no noticeable effects.



1—[Refers to a magical sexual operation.]


