Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Monday, 16 June 1924




June 16


Very tired when 666 waked me for breakfast. Last night—tired unknown and I had scraps of a vision. I do not remember how it began, but the full moon, mstbn [masturbation], and XUL S's [Xul Solar] talking about "breaks" in his work perhaps helped. However, it was as follows:


S[olar] was thinking of "choose ye an island"—saw large white birds, not clearly—which turned to serpents—finally a peculiar large light dove colored egg with what appeared to be a serpent around it. But it was not a serpent after all because conscious of the inside of the egg in which I was a serpent but then discovered that it was a bird with a very long neck. There was an opening (not to the outside where I had previously been), but to a tunnel sort of place. I plunged in and saw a peacock—white. I called him Pera, said 418, etc. and thought of the "island." Then I saw a saucer with 5 pieces of sugar on it—one more noticeable than the others because it has a name in black letters on it—




Somewhere in the vision I saw a key but I can't remember where—I think after I saw the sugar islands—as my minds ran to "Now fortify it." I remember no more.


I dreamed about Kings and all the rest of it, waking once at least and giving orders on government with great certainty. I advise that no one should have power unless he was well-trained and tried and it bothered me because we seemed to weed them out once and training takes time.


