Leah Hirsig Diary Entry Sunday, 29 June 1924
June 29
Raining again. Breakfast at 8:15. 666 gone back to sleep. I continue with my letters:
Fire Water
12:30 PM My opinion is that one does not really get a shot at one's complexes until one has managed to eliminate the influences of convention.
1:25 PM 6 dr G + rum + wine at lunch.
2:40 PM (after lunch) Quite uncomfortable—but 666 wants his books from the P.O., so after telling him a few thoughts (re later) I went. Returned—raining like hell—Tea. Ideas connected with convention and complex. To get at people's "conventions" trouble I suggest two main lines:
1. for the simple—ask the question "What troubles you most in life."
2. for the more complex animal—Force him with a list of all the crimes? possible and ask him to mention the one that he thinks worst "wicked" or "disgusting" or some such term.
Ate no dinner. Bed early, after short walk.
June 29
A whole week gone! A busy, lazy week at that.
Went to Paris on June 24 and again on Friday June 28. (Called on Geriand both times—saw him on C. He has made a mess of the Bourcier business.