Leah Hirsig Diary Entry Tuesday, 1 July 1924
July 1
To Paris, under protest. I was as cross as could be in the morning, felt thoroughly unprepared to go to Kammerly Hall, yet the moment I left the house I found myself as keen and capable as could be.
Programme in Paris (résumé)
1. Kammerly Hall—couldn't see him—appt. for F 2. Suzanne—pd. her 50 ft. 3. Suzanne Aunt—no velvet—to call in P.M. 4. Coat, Scarf, Walking Stick. 5. P.[ost] O.[ffice] 6. Done at 12 & sat with Willy for a long time, then the "Old Man" joined and invited me to fix up his flat. I made a date with him for Fat 12. 7. Dentist—nice man. Estimate 3300 fr. 8. Suzanne A[unt] again—100 francs for berre. 9. Home at 5:24—666 met me! 10. Home—dinner & long letter to O.P.V. [Norman Mudd].
Cross again—as soon as I struck Chelles! Hell!! Well?