Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Sunday, 5 October 1924




9 A.M. (to continue yesterday's diary—was too sleepy to write it up last night)


This then about Oct. 4.


I had a bath—a real hot one (after getting a chill getting into the first one they prepared for me)


I used


1. Creme Simon (White)

2. Lip rouge (Red)

3. Eyebrow pencil (Black)

4. Yellow powder (Gold)


Wore blue cape to go to bathroom. Came in and put on my black and gold dress. Strangely enough the white slip which I had on was stained with menstruation and wine and though white to all intents and purposes, it is yellow enough in parts (stained with diarrhoea).


I felt prepared then for a Magical Ceremony—just what, I didn't know. (I rather expected Aimée [Aimée Gouraud] or some one to come in—but this as after I had made the preparations)


Previous to this I told O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] to note in his books that the colours for Banner of Thelemites would be




thinking that be uniting


Red and white

Black and white


we would preserve the original Red and White and destroy the Black forever by merging it with these two and forming a third colour.


Well; we'll talk about this some more later. However, I began to see that the black was necessary.


And then, as by a lightning flash, I knew what the ceremony was to be.


It was to be the ceremony uniting these—I was a bit worried about having the blue cape around me and only now do I understand (CCXX — II — Verse 49)


The Magical Light still dazzles me but I'm getting accustomed to it and yet I have time to glory in its wonder.


The actual thing I did was to have a feast in accordance with the preparation. So I ordered



Tea (milk)

Bread (butter)









Again, I was a bit concerned.


I began counting


Tea and butter = Gold

Bread and milk = white

Ham = red

Figs = black.


There were 2 white and 2 gold and only 1 red and 1 black. Of course this made six but I wasn't happy.


The garcon could not get figs so O.P.V. went out to get some. I called him back and said "no, make it black grapes and a few figs too." Note. There would bow be 2 black also but what about 2 red? I consoled myself by saying "well what we have = 7.


He returned with grapes but I felt the need to have figs so out he trotted again and after what seemed to be a very very long time, he came back with 4 figs and a better bunch of grapes. The tea had arrived long since but we didn't care. O.P.V. hadn't the slightest notion what it was all about and my own ideas were coming one after the other.


I then proceeded to tell him (as nearly as I remember that this was a marriage feast now that the Prince had found the clipper of Cinderella and could carry her off to his castle; that Dumling had brought the feather home to his father and had therefore earned the hand of the Princess. Also, that Parsifal, having found the lance would now be able to use it.


We therefore celebrated by taking




1—a grape (Black)






2—sip of tea (clear) (Gold)





4 {

3—Ham (tiny bit) (Red)


not quite clear which came first



4—White (tiny bit) Bread


After that, the other details no longer bothered me, for there was no milk for the tea, neither of us touched the figs, so that our actual feast really amounted to







Blue  ?     Smoke of cigarettes of course, silly ass!



Much later, I ate a fig and gave 3 to O.P.V. to take home with him.


My objection to the figs had been on grounds of Adam and Eve story. My need for grapes in connection with Bacchus. Yet I felt the need to have the figs present just to "break all the rules", to fear nothing—"Fates nor Gods nor anything;"


I then gave my son, Parsifal instructions and advice about his lance. I believe firmly that our new history will be based on the fables and fairy tales and old myths plus the something which we need to reconcile and reunite them.


(Science with Art) The name for this is Magickal Light which we have now got.


Even after all this, Parsifal (as I shall call him until he gets his own name which will be equivalent to it) had formulated his Will to utilize all his creative energy to doing his father's work whereas Babalon had formulated her Will (in this particular matter) that having now passed on to the stage of Whore she would do all in her power to teach Parsifal to learn to use his lance.


The arrangement then, up to 7.30 P.M. Saturday was that Parsifal should not give his semen to any one (or to get rid of it physically) consciously until he was thoroughly convinced that he should do so—and then, to give it to Kundry only. Also, that Babalon would utilize her force entirely to training her son.


Then Parsifal went out to send a letter to A-af-na-K and during what seemed an eternity, more light came to me.


So that by the time Parsifal came back, 8.30? I had further things to discuss with him. I put it to him plainly that


a. I wanted him then and there. That was my only way in which to gain health quickly.

b. That what I had told him at the Ceremony re Dumling and the Princess was more or less subject to change without notice.

c. That he had vowed to use his lance when he had it.

d. That I might possibly be his "Siren".


We then discussed this and though I used all my powers as Siren, I also used my mother ("Great Mother") powers.


(A dose of Citrate of Magnesia)


This led eventually to the consummation of our marriage—in which we did "reverence unto Ra-Hoor-Khuit"


2 Opera[1] within 15-30 minutes (time not absolutely known)


All this happened between about 8.30 P.M. Saturday (3) and 1.30 A.M. Sunday (6).


Parsifal then went to his hotel and I slept until 8 this morning when Mme. du Citrate began to work. She worked 3 times (I took a second dose on awakening as prescribed by the chemist)


Then a café noir and Parsifal arrived about 10.30 to find me writing up this record.


It is now about 12.45 or thereabouts.


Between 10.30 and 11.45 (about) Parsifal used his lance in my defense and being my champion will do so whenever his lady needs protection.


All this subject to notice without change. We've just been discussing Freudian forgetfulness.


All this has to do with 0=2.


I start my meal.


Parsifal says


"Bread and wine make blood and bone

Of the Beast and Babalon."


I proceed then to eat Cote de Veau avec haricots verts, salad, bread, wine, and grapes.


2.30 P.M. OPUS[1] 4 "The Establishment of the Kingdom" uttered by Parsifal.


About 4 P.M. Started Opus V for physical strength for Babalon—at the same time there was very very strong in my mind to combine this with (2) "To fill Parsifal with the force of Babalon"


No OPUS (that is no emission) but as I got the physical strength needed from these preliminaries I propose the next opus to be for the second marked (2).



This brings me to the idea of twins—I must fit that in somewhere in the Laws of our Kingdom.



1—[Leah Hirsig is referring to magical sexual operations.]


