Leah Hirsig Diary Entry Monday, 6 October 1924
The next Opus[1] (object as per last page—) Babalon gave that which she had to give and sent Parsifal [Norman Mudd] to do that which was necessary "filled with the force of Babalon". (about 8 P.M.)
He returned at 10 P.M. and between talks and writing letters.
Opus—"for pure love".
Parsifal left at 2.30 A.M. Babalon slept till Monday 7.40 A.M.
Parsival started on his quest. 207 Boulevard Raspail[2] affair starting at American Consulate.
Babalon now prepares to read Parsifal's diary beginning Sept. 24 and to make necessary notes with re writing letters etc. She had bathed and fixed up her face and has started to formulate her future career as HAG.
10.55 Now I feel faint again, so I'll sniff a bit of ammonia and rest and then go on.
Note— Calomel Citrate of Magnesia Ammonia (Oct. 7 Add camphorated oil. Later.)
11 A.M. A good sniff of Ammonia—then decided to take a potion and eat what I had which happens to be bread and grapes. Black and white, by Jove!
I have so much to say about all this. But later will do.
Now to the diary. (Notes in separate book)
Must establish 10 to represent tree of life. 3 men to represent hermit etc. 3 women to represent 3 daughters.
Have established 3 daughters by Alos. 3 S.[carlet] W.[omen]. 3 sons by Alos.
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet Black White
Good—the primary colours!
Noble Hall and O.P.V. came in long before I expected Parsifal. And it's all right and I drank my milk and ate my bread and I'm happy and excited and hungry and tired and ready to fight the next devil that appears!
Praise unto Aiwass!
I want to note that since Tuesday my 3rd. death agony passed by I am in Room No. 3 and that from the 20th (the day of the "first desertion") I was in 44. O.P.V. had No. 31 the night he was here and he had No. 3 at 13 rue du Maine another night. And though this isn't exactly scientific yet it is Magical and we're going to have a great old time soon, soon.
A gardenal[3] to soothe me a bit.
I shall get a wonderful costume to start out in my new career. Parsifal and I will plan it.
It will be Red and Gold, Black and White, and blue combined.
With the sable fur made up properly.
A blue cloak lined with the sable.
A dress and hat to match with these colours properly combined.
Opus 8 Strength for Bab.[alon].
Résumé thus far of Opera[1]
1—[Leah Hirsig is referring to magical sexual operations.] 2—[Refers to items belonging to Crowley and Leah that were being held at 207 Boulevard Raspail, Paris, an apartment that had been leased to Dorothy Olsen.] 3—Gardenal contains phenobarbital, a barbiturate.