Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Wednesday, 8 October 1924




8.25 Woke rather dazed but gradually pulled round.


Meditated between 7.40 - 8.30 on Subject of Future Race.


Have ordered a bath.


Said Adoration—


A brief account about yesterday.


We got most of the things from 207[1] fairly well systematized some time during the morning (bet.[ween] 10 - 11, I should judge)


OPUS 10.[2]


Worked on and off all day—kisses sandwiched in of course. O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] sold 4 medicine bottles for 65 centimes which enabled him to get a few cigarettes. Such food as he had was part of what I ordered here.


Dr. called—nice Dr.—said there was nothing serious.



We had a nice little bout in which I told him to kiss me if he was a man—and when I couldn't or wouldn't keep him off any longer I bit his lower lip good and plenty.


Then tea (5.30-6?)


Noble Hall came in and left us 70 francs which enabled O.P.V. to get a room and to bring in food—such good food.


We had


White wine

Bread and butter and pastry




and a Pear.


We were both sleepy—he lay down with me for a bit and got the notion he ought or wanted to perform OPUS 11.


I remained passive up to a certain point, then we started and he got very excited in the "new position" so that he came partially. I considered it best that he should finish up in the old way. He tried and I concentrated on


A     B  A  B  Y     B  O  Y


but he couldn't go on. He fell asleep several times and I finally advised him to go home and sleep. He got ready to go and then I put my naked body between him and the door—He was sulky and I didn't want him to go in that spirit. We had a few moments talk over it and I felt satisfied to let him go.


I slept.


We shall complete that Opus some time to-day—perhaps the object


A     B  A  B  Y     B  O  Y


We have now (this is of course partly speculation suggested by him entirely) created


1. A Magical daughter (Astrid [Dorothy Olsen]).


On the assumption that my theories are more than theories we shall create


2. An child of the brain.

3. A physical son.


This carries out the law of reversal.


With 666 we created


1. A physical child—Poupée.

2. An intellectual child—The D. of a D.F. [The Diary of a Drug Fiend].

3. A Magical child—Frater Aud [Raoul Loveday].


All of these died for we were still working in the dark.


I have all sorts of fancies about what Babalon and The Beast conjoined should do but they are of no importance at the moment.


I should like to have 666's Mag.[ical] diaries to consult about various things.


For Beast's letter



Fairy Tales


     Holy Kings



This has to do with


3 — 4 — 3



(Missing—uniting red and white and black and white and blue (which is of the 5th.) Ceremony.)





The No. 3 again

     S.[carlet] W.[oman] — 3 (7)

     Children created—Magical and otherwise.





General about future.






a. Tetragrammaton formula est[ablished]

b. 10 people—tree of life

c. Pieces on Chess Board









(Jessica—Lorenzo—comic relief to stupid Portia and Bassanio.)








a. Estab. ?

b. Possible people

c. ADO [Dorothy Olsen] = Queen's pawn

   O.P.V. = King's pawn



My paper 5 - 6 (may be bastard but do it—)


My 3 Magical letters—all in same way insufficient and incorrect.


I picked up my copy of the Holy Books [Volume I, Volume II, Volume III]—and turned to Liber VII Cap. VII, V.31. "But in that profound who shall answer: What is?"



     Sephir Sephiroth

343 = 73

And God said

Gen. 1-3

A sweet smell



3 = ∑ (1-2) The Mystic No. of Chokmah

Father          אנ

To come, go  נא


4 = 22 The No. of Abramelin Princes

Father               אנאP   A B A

Hollow; a vein    ככP     B B

Proud                גאP     G A


(Here I began to read the 30 Aethyrs and made a copy of what interested me particularly—not copying these pages. But I selected 16 and 9 as most important for me at the time.)



1—[Refers to items belonging to Crowley and Leah that were being held at 207 Boulevard Raspail, Paris, an apartment that had been leased to Dorothy Olsen.]

2—[Leah Hirsig is referring to magical sexual operations.]


