Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Wednesday, 5 November 1924




Dreams after 4 A.M.—no sleep till then.


a. O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] poked in V.L.'s [Adam Murray] good eye. (I had to pull out what looked like a thread and it was the eye itself.)


b. Beast and ADO [Dorothy Olsen] here—beating it from one hotel to another. ADO absolutely doped and listless.


These after last night's sudden revelation that there were 3 ———— to fulfil.


Plans made for them—indefinite. I shall keep a separate book for these.


A  L  O  S  T  R  A  E  L


     at time Ahite said A  N etc. It pleased 666 to have it A  L also omitting A  EL


     A  N  O  S  T  R  A  E  L          might well = 749


     749 = 107 x 7          0r     718 + 31 !          or 666+52+31 !

(51 + 666 + 1 + 31)



Received 1000 fr. from ADO which nearly knocked me flat (sent letter Tuesday as per book).


Rescued Parrot stuff (called on Noble and just caught him.) He telephoned Parrot and after an aperitif put mr in a taxi to go there. What a taxi and what a driver. I got the shaking up of my life!


'OME James and got nice and drunk on Bordeaux rouge (rouge all right but what mark?) Anyway I got a bottle for the Concierge too and so on—


Fixed notion to go to Brussels (idea entered my head before—also 3 's of 1920.


Suppose I slept some time—don't know.


Gare du Nord in evening—Nothing doing! That means I cut out Brussels idea. Invested 12 fr. in luminal[1] and slept from 8.30 P.M. till 8A.M.



1—[Luminal is a barbituate.]


