Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Tuesday, 18 November 1924




11.55 A.M. God rid of Q's attempt to vampirize me yesterday? What a fool I've been!


Revillon to-day—also much else. Q quite helpless as soon as helped. Yet, what can one do.


Plan as several times before—5 day retirement—possibly silence.



V.I. [Ida de H. Crooke] [I Ching Hexagram] XXXIII.


A.[lostrael] [I Ching Hexagram] IV.


V.I. [I Ching Hexagram] VI.


A. [I Ching Hexagram] V.



Selected by V.I. [I Ching Hexagram] XLVII.



V.I. stopped to take Jujubee.



For self [I Ching Hexagram] No. II. Attend to own business as per [I Ching Hexagram] V.



(This is her vision imagining the hexagram on a door. [I Ching Hexagram] XLVII.)


Door opens into Notre Dame—great crowd. High mass music—2 cowled men (came from S.[carlet] W.[oman]) majestic, tall, brown habits—and they meet tall woman (she came from N.E.) in brown, hood thrown back and white kerchief on head.


The senior brother says—Is time ripe?


Woman—No, not quite ripe.


The Second Brother—When will it be ripe?


Woman—Two weeks will see us through the difficulty.


Note. After this she told me that the Sr. Bro. was without doubt V.I. and the Woman I.



I expect great things from V.I. She evidently walked to and from G.T. and brought me a packet from Touggourt containing a hand-made piece of cloth—large enough for robe and two little bags (leather) stuffed with odd scraps of paper.


6.10 P.M. The PEACE of it all! No chattering—Idea re Q and Cefalů.


