Leah Hirsig Diary Entry Monday, 24 November 1924
1.30 A.M. I'm a bloody fool but I'm fascinated by the Fairy Tales—Wish I had Kingsley's Heroes for variety—The fairy tales are so badly written.
I cut out smoking. There are 7 cigarettes left. They stay.
They did—until Ida [Ida de H. Crooke] drove me to one—9.15 A.M.
500 on hand.
Rough estimate of money spent since NOV. 5 (19 days)
Out of 2000 but have 508 left. This is near enough.)
Giving V.I. 56 francs (should last 4 or 5 days.)
Have on hand 5 petit bleus, 10 P.[ost] C.[ard] ordinary at 20c., Stamps to value of 4.65.
We start then She—56 fr., I—452 fr.