Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Tuesday, 25 November 1924




2 P.M. Poor V.I. [Ida de H. Crooke]—she has two coats—a dozen sweaters but she can't lend me one coat for even a week. She does not hesitate to accept, to share, to grasp at anything she can het hold of but when it comes to handing over a mere bauble or something she isn't using at the moment, she isn't there.


Nous verrons.



1. Red Abbai cleaned and lined with Tunisian thing and sable collar, cuffs, and bottom. (Placed Nov. 26)


2. Blue cape dyed—sable collar and cuffs and cap if possible.


3. Blue dress—afternoon. (Placed Nov. 26)


4. Red evening dress. Doubtful.


Gold sandals—stockings ?


Blue ? shoes. Black are best with gold buckles.


