Leah Hirsig Diary Entry Saturday, 29 November 1924
Awake at 7.30—feeling rather rotten.
9. A.M. I am waiting for V.I. [Ida de H. Crooke] to get the kitchen in order. Meanwhile I want to get my ideas into shape as to what to type.
11 P.M. Typing all day more or less. Did a lot of loose leaf stuff—old note books with scraps in and started my
a single copy for 666—Typed the "Death" Period Sept. 25 - Sep. 30 also Sept. 24 (1st death stunt) documents. I had qualms many times as to whether I wasn't wasting time but I'm not. I want to get out a complete record of that period. And if one can be so—I don't know what to call it—when one is dying why not to the nth. power when one is alive—or supposed to be.
Stimulation, my dear Bab[alon], stimulation is what one needs. No depths—no heights and evidently the depths come first. So let me have some active ones that will raise me once more to those heights of ecstacy!
Neither the Pan mantra nor the R.[a] H.[oor] K.[huit] invocation seem to be any good at present and I don't know Adonai and I seem to have nothing to do with Aiwass direct.
What and whom can I invoke?
I'll correct my typescripts.
I did and now Blast that Bitch! I find no food except a small crust of bread—and a measly bit of cheese and tomato when I could have eaten an roast ox! Blast her, I say! Will she never feed me?