Leah Hirsig Diary Entry Tuesday, 2 December 1924
A general symbol for my course of action for the day. [I Ching Hexagram] XXV Wu Wang.
Be sincere and take the outward consequences. This interpretation is bad because
a. I tried to go verse by verse until I caught myself. b. I glanced at the foot note—a matter of habit.
I'll do better next time. So I read the comment and I'll be sincere and not reckless.
9. A.M. What a wretched night!
I think Op[us][1] III came in here somewhere.
10.20 A.M.
done 10.30 L will arise
done 12 I will bathe
done 12.45 I will have my hair done
done 1.30 I will eat
done 4. P.M. I will eat
I will send telegram to 666
I will visit Smith's
I will visit Suzanne's
I will get me a ring—a new Magical weapon (P.S. It happened)
2. P.M. MNSTRN! [Menstruation]
4.10 How to harmonize inmost sincerity and humility with S.[carlet] W.[oman] programme is more than I can see. I'd better leave the YI alone and follow out my own line but I don't even know what that is! So help me Ra-Hoor-Khuit.
Is the [I Ching] Hexagram XLV for 666 or for us all?
I think I'd better invoke NUIT, HADIT, and RA-HOOR-KHUIT and leave everything else alone. But then I want to work in PAN too.
7.40 - 7.48 Asana R[a] H[oor] K[huit]
Work the Work of Wickedness.
1—[This refers to a magical sexual operation.]