Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Wednesday, 3 December 1924




Been typing ever since 8.30 or thereabouts except for a little run out to get wine (P.S. Had a bacon and egg, coffee meal too. 'Twas good (this about 11.20) and now I've found a Black Cat after thinking all my cigarettes were gone. 28 to-day)


I bit V.I.'s [Ida de H. Crooke] ear—at her request to kiss it—and she's afraid of Hyrdophobia. She's wise. I suspect the concierge's wife is ill as a result, not of my biting her ear, but using my tongue in a biting way.


Somehow my despair has passed by. In typing the Sept. 23-29 stunt I see how supremely happy I was then because I was so very busy doing what seemed at the time a tremendous task, sparing nothing to get it done—and after each of the three critical periods had passed I slept a peaceful happy sleep. That is as it should be when Thelema gets going. It's worth while living with that in view—perhaps some centuries hence.


What a slush I am!


12.30 Glass of wine—bed.


10.35 P.M. Too busy all day to write.


Summary—V.I. left for L O N D O N ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Aum !  Ha !


