Leah Hirsig Diary Entry Thursday, 4 December 1924
7.45 P.M.
Busy and drunk all day. 1 ANh LEW. [Anhalonium Lewinii] at 2.20 P.M.—no noticeable effect but last night (2 dr. taken at about 6 P.M.) caused awful palp[atations] of heart much later—This noted after taking first time too. To-day's was 3rd. go.
Letter from O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] this A.M. rather upset me and then calmed me tremendously. He's nervous, poor boy.
So busy—and fed at last!
11.50 P.M. Took 1/2 Luminal[1] at 9—no sleep.
Took 1/2 Luminal at 10—no sleep.
Took 1 cigarette at 11—no sleep.
Taking 3 cups of tea now.
I really can't settle down to any work—I am all in.