Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Monday, 8 December 1924




What a wild experience yesterday. I went to St. Lazare—posted letters and sent telegram to 666. Then a feed in an indifferent but showy Café restaurant ? Any how I had a meal with a cocktail before, 1/2 bottle of Beaume Superieure with the huge rump steak and beans, and coffe and kirsch after. I tumbled into a taxi and 'ome James. Total cost plus telegram 61 francs !  Wow !


Home 6.30—prostrate till 9.30 then up and bed and up and bed [sic] till 12.30 A.M.


Slept like a log till 9 when telegram woman woke me. Stayed in bed till 11.45 and fussing about ever since.


Now to Suzanne's.


Typing all evening after good meal. Got 1000 from P.[ost] O.[ffice].


Typing my diary is a revelation indeed. I'll start a new career soon—


