Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Sunday, 21 December 1924




Dec 21


12:42 A.M. After last entry—marketed—lost a franc on a bunch of carrots (no! didn't go where the carrots were, more's the pity!) Then a good fried—dress rehearsal and out in the blue dress to red home from 9:30 to 11:20


Nothing doin' & get! think I am doing something. What? Then Pentagram and Pan Mantra—used Z's wand instead of Sword. Cup of tea—bed.


3:40 A.M. Not a wink of sleep in me—not a bit of work in me—What the hell shall I do—Just bad breathing & tummy ache, but I can't be hungry. Perhaps I am—I've been day dreaming about America and sensational landing. Those things never come off.


I could bet most anything (except my new coat) that there is something devilish going on somewhere among the Brethren tonight. It may simply be A entering R. if this is the time, if so, he's entering on a gallop. What news tomorrow? Very excitement is that of operation, not of fear—But all sorts of precautions arise.


12:30 P.M. A Slept from 6 to 10—wake heavy, hot, dazed, and generally miserable.


Up at 11:30—out for coffee and milk.


Things to do


1. See fur woman for collar.

2. See S. About (?)

3. Fleischman

4. Noble [Noble Hall] re books

5. Mrs. Ficke?


1 P.M.—Pentagram Asana and Mantra(?) Thou who art I.


1:03-1:05 Asana—back gives way—I find myself all bent up—3 times I straightened myself out—also—mind wanders to all the things I've to do and didn't do—esp[ecially] the Stewart Waiter failures. But as soon as get over these something else pops up. It is really much easier to bean Episenpalise and get it all out in a ready-made prayer.


Started to get ready to go to Ella B.[urgin] & Dôme, but couldn't do it. Blvd clicking—2 grog Americans & home. Ate 3 huge Mortadel sandwiches.


7:12 P.M. Though I've been complaining about too many unfulfilled oaths,! add another to the list:


"I hereby take an Oath to refrain from smoking for a period of 7x9 days." (This brings us to Feb 22).


