Dr. Jules Jacot-Guillarmod Diary Entry Sunday, 3 September 1905
Crowley announces that he's leaving. He leaves at 11am as a deserter and takes with him the best coolies. . . You selfish bastard. . . Shortly after their departure I take with me about fifteen coolies to show them the location of the bodies. Reymond [Charles-Adolphe Reymond] comes with us and always dedicated to doing most of the steps. . . We easily find the end of the rope and start digging. Since we don't have a shovel, we only move very slowly. Since we don't want to be surprised again by night, I give the order to go back down to camp III.
The next day we see Crowley hurtling down from the higher camp; without even knowing if we will find our comrades, he deserts the expedition cowardly and we will have more news from him than in Darjeeling.