June 6, 1919
W. M. Offley, Esq., Box #241, City Hall Station, New York, N. Y.
Dear Sir:—
I am enclosing herewith photostat copy of an anonymous communication addressed to the Attorney General, relative to Aleister Crowley, 1 University Place, New York City, said to be connected with the recent bomb outrages.
This is for your information and such attention as you deem advisable.
Very truly yours,
DMD Acting Chief.
New York.
4th June, 1919.
Attorney General Palmer. Washington.
Dear Sir:
If you desire to find the master mind that is secretly directing the bomb outrages, request the police force to look into the doings of Aleister Crowley, 1 University Place, this City. He is an Irishman, a college man, poses here as an Englishman; was, at one time, associate editor of The Fatherland. Much too clever and cunning to ever himself be caught doing unlawful acts, but the directing and planning mind behind men of lesser intelligence. A man, who, for his crimes of moral turpitude alone, should be imprisoned as was Oscar Wilde, or else deported. He cannot return to England, though—a warrant is waiting for him there.
It will take one of the cleverest detective many months to get evidence against him, for the man is far more shrewd than any living being. A real power for evil among men such as can scarcely be conceived of.
Terror of what he may do makes me fear to give my name and address, but do not consider this information lightly. I know absolutely whereof I speak.