Federal Bureau of Investigation Report




Report made by: Frank X. O'Donnell


Place where made: N.Y. City


Period for which made: July 11th [1919]


Date when made: July 22nd, 1919


In Re: Aleister Crowley

(Radical Activities)

[Case:] 365985



Continuing on the above investigation and having in mind a statement made in the Confidential British Report on the above named Subject, contained in my report for July 8th to the effect that said subject had been examined by a representative of the N.Y. State Attorney General, I called today at the last named office, and had an interview with Mr. Simon. Mr. Simon stated it was true that his Department had a more or less extensive file on this matter but that same was in Albany. He promised, however, to have the same forwarded here and stated that in all probability it would be possible for me to examine same about Wednesday of next week.


Investigation to be continued.


