Federal Bureau of Investigation Report
Report made by: Frank X. O'Donnell
Place where made: N.Y. City
Period for which made: July 21st [1919]
Date when made: July 28th, 1919
In Re: Aleister Crowley (Radical Activities) [Case:] 365985
Copy of this report furnished to: Radical Division, N.Y. Office.
By appointment made Saturday, I this morning met Miss Kate Stevens of 236 West 15th Street at the Public Library. Miss Stevens has in the past furnished this Bureau with information concerning people involved or suspected to be involved in radical activities. She had previously reported in regard to the activities of Mr. Frank Harris, who is editor of Pearson's Magazine. Under separate heading, I am reporting additional information furnished by her today concerning Mr. Harris. In regard to Crowley, she states that she has never met him and in fact knows nothing about him. The only point that she thought might be of interest to us involved is a theory of hers that it might be possible that Frank Harris and Aleister Crowley might be one and the same party. This, of course, is impossible and I so informed Miss Stevens.
She promised, however that if any information concerning Crowley should reach her, she would lose no time in advising me or if.
Investigation will be continued.