Federal Bureau of Investigation Report
Report made by: Frank X. O'Donnell
Place where made: N.Y. City
Period for which made: July 29th [1919]
Date when made: Aug. 4th, 1919
In Re: Aleister Crowley (Radical Activities) [Case:] 365985
I today called upon Mr. Simon of the Attorney General's office of the State of New York in an endeavor to secure from him copies of the examination made by his office into the activities of the above named subject. Mr. Simon told me that he thought such copies had previously been sent to this Bureau. Upon my return to Headquarters, after a search made of our files, I was unable to find the papers referred to. Having called M. Simon later on the 'phone, I obtained his consent to retain the Attorney General's file until September 1st, in order to make a necessary summary of the papers contained in same.