
Los Angeles Rept. 11-28-42;

Made by: Virgil Q. Cox;

Los Angeles File #: 100-8196


Subj. [Jack Parsons] born Brenham, Tex, 10-12-12, professor of Calif. Inst. of Tech., Pasadena, and in charge of Gal-Cit Project No. 1 of U.S. Army Air Corps. Subj. attended Communist meetings about three yrs. ago, having invited informant T-1 who also attended. Informant T-2 reports sub. held Communist meetings at his home and passed out Communist literature on the Army project to fellow workers.


T-1 stated that about 3 yrs. ago he was invited by the subj. to attend meetings at the home of Dr. Sidney Weinbaum, 1136 Steuben St., Pasadena. T-1 stated that Dr. Weinbaum was at that time a professor at Calif. Inst. of Tech. and that he was certain that Weinbaum was a Communist. He stated that Weinbaum was born in Russia and at these meetings there was a [Redacted] (phonetic) who reported the [illegible] of Los Angeles at these meetings. T-1 stated that there were approximately six to eight other members of the faculty [remainder of memo missing].


