
Bulet to Los Angeles. 3-13-46

Subj: Robert Alden Carnog, Internal Security — R



Ref. made to ltr. from El Paso to Bur 2-16-46 entitled "Cinrad," a copy of which was designated for your office and with which was forwarded a photographic copy of the reports and personal data from the files on subj. at Los Alamos DSM Project, Los Alamos, New Mex.


It is to be noted that Carnog's forwarding address was 161 East Calif. Street, Pasadena, Calif.


Investigation concerning Carnog, except where absolutely pertinent to attempts on the part of the Soviet representatives in the U.S. to obtain info. re. the Atomic bomb, would be reported only in his main investigative file. Data developed pertinent to the Cinrad investigation should, of course, be reported not only in the Carnog file but also in the Cinrad case.


On any of the key scientists at the Los Alamos Project of whom Robert Alden Carnog was one, a careful review should be made of the material obtained from Los Alamos. All suspicious contacts should be carefully identified and checked for their possibility as channels of info. from the x subject to Soviet representatives.


A highly discreet check should be made of the subjects usual contacts as developed through your investigation for the same purpose.


