100-359682-25 Los Angeles Rept. 4-5-49; Made by: Arthur C. Wittenburg; LA File #: 65-4846
Captioned. Dr. Sydney Weinbaum, was., Israel Weinbaum, Sydney Empson
A review of files of this office reflects considerable info. about the subj. of this case, but a close scrutiny thereof reveals that all the info. re. the subject's Communist affiliation was actually attributed to two sources of info., namely, [Redacted] and one John Parsons [Jack Parsons], who is an ex-project engineer of the jet propulsion laboratory.
In connection with collateral investigations being conducted on friends of the subj., Parsons has been interviewed on several occasions. At the most recent time, he somewhat negated his previous reports to the effect that Weinbaum and other individuals were members of a CP [Communist Party] group in Pasadena during the years 1938 and 1939. A review of the file indicated that his original allegations left no question as to the fact that these were CP meetings which he (Parsons) had attended, but at the time of the last interview he rather minimized these gatherings saying that they were in fact study groups and dealt with many "isms" other than Communism, etc.
Since the inception of the investigation in this case information has come to this office from the following two sources which bears on the veracity of this informant:
CNDI's T-2 and T-3 were consulted as to their knowledge of Parsons, and each stated that he was "a character". They amplified this statement by saying that he is regarded as being very eccentric by his fellow workers and that information received from him should be treated with extreme reserve. It is pertinent to note that Parsons, after he gave the original information re. the Communist membership of Weinbaum and others, was closely associated in business with individuals whom he had named as being part of the Professional Section of the CP in Pasadena in 1938 and 1939.
T-2 [Redacted]
T-3 [Redacted]