

L.A. rept. 9/28/50


Made by Arthur C. Wittenburg


L.A. File # 65-4846


Captioned: Dr. Sidney Weinbaum was: Israel Weinbaum, Sydney Empson, Sena Weinbaum, Sidney Vanban.



The following info. with regard to the several sessions of the Grand Jury in this case was made available by T-1, a reliable informant.


On June 22, 1950, U.S. Attorney Colin advised that he was planning to present Subject's case for consideration of the Grand Jury. He stated that as a matter of actual fact, the Grand Jury to whom this matter was to be presented was not the current jury, but rather was one that had previously been impaneled, but subsequent to the expiraiton of its term had been hearing certain additional matters.




Informant stated that the following is the list of active associates of the Subject for the approximate period from 1940 to 1946 and, in addition, alleged that all those who will be listed hereafter were "members of the Weinbaum cell of the CP [Communist Party]." These individuals were listed as follows:


Dr. Stanley Corrsin, now of Johns Hopkins U. (Aeronautical Dept.)

Dr. Morton Finston, now of Broen University

Harry Kenas, who was simply identified as being connected with Caltech.

Dr. Molina (probably Dr. Frank Malina)

Jack Parsons

John Dunkel & Mr. & Mrs. Irving Ravich, & E. A. Reep


T-1 is U.S. Attorney Ernest A. Tolin.


