Form No. 1
File No.: 65-5131
This Case Originated At: Los Angeles.
Report Made At: Los Angeles.
Date When Made: 11/21/50.
Period For Which Made: 9/25-29; 10/2-5, 9/50
Report Made By: [Redacted] rsl.
Title: JOHN WHITESIDE PARSONS aka Jack Parsons.
Character of Case: ESPIONAGE — IS.
Subject on September 15, 1950 removed certain documents pertaining to jet propulsion motors and rocket propellants without authority from Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, California, his place of employment. On September 16, 1950, he left same as the residence of [Redacted], Palos Verdes, California, who was to make typewritten copies of them. Above documents procured from MAJOR E. J. KRENZ, U.S. Air Force, Hughes Aircraft Company, pending determination security classification. Subject voluntarily came to the Los Angeles office September 27, 1950 and in signed statement admitted removing documents without authority stating he desired to extract certain information from them as aid in computing cost proposal on jet propulsion motors. He planned to submit this with employment application through American Technion Society for employment in the country of Israel. Subject on September 28, 1950 identified photographic copies of seventeen documents and same retained in this office as evidence. Records North American Aviation Corp., Inglewood, California, reflected subject denied clearance on classified contracts 1948, but cleared by Industrial Employment Review Board 1949. Records clearance investigation at Dayton, Ohio. Background information set out.
On September 25, 1950, MR. JOHN T. BERDNER, Air Provost Marshal, Los Angeles Air Force Field Procurement Office, 155 West Washington Boulevard, Los Angeles, contacted this office and advised that he had received information that one JACK PARSONS, an employee of Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, California, had removed certain classified information from the Hughes Aircraft Company and planned to use this material in the preparation of an application for employment which he was attempting to obtain in the country of Israel. BERDNER stated that as of that date the classified information, together with the application for employment, were in the possession of [Redacted], Palos Verdes, California. He stated PARSONS reportedly had left this material at the [Redacted] residence with the request that [Redacted] prepare for him a typewritten brochure of the material.
Immediately upon receipt of the above information, SA A.N. OSSIPOSS and the writer proceeded to the vicinity of the [Redacted] residence where they contacted [Redacted] of the Hughes Aircraft Company. [Redacted] advised that [Redacted], an employee of Northrup Aircraft Company, Hawthorne, California, had on that date contacted [Redacted] at the Hughes Aircraft Company and apprised him of the fact that the documents had been left by PARSONS at the [Redacted] residence. [Redacted] stated that upon learning of this, he, accompanied by [Redacted], Guided Missiles Department, Hughes Aircraft Company, proceeded to the [Redacted] residence where they examined the documents and found them to contain certain formulas of a classified nature. [Redacted] stated that both [Redacted] were of the opinion that the material in their possession was of a confidential nature; that they had displayed it to [Redacted] when he visited their home on September 24, 1950 and requested [Redacted] to ascertain the authorized owner of the material and arrange for its return.
Shortly thereafter, [Redacted] and the writer proceeded to the [Redacted] residence where they were given the documents and papers in the possession of [Redacted] which had been given to her by PARSONS and which, until this time, she had retained at her residence. Certain of the more significant documents were initialed by her at that time for future identification purposes. In addition, [Redacted] furnished the following voluntary signed statement to the writer:
[Redacted] Palos Verdes, Calif. 2:29 p.m. 9/25/50
"I [Redacted], Palos Verdes, Calif., make the following voluntary signed statement to [Redacted] who has identified himself to me to be a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and to [Redacted]. No promises, threats or duress has been used to have me make this statement.
"I have known John Parsons and his wife Marjorie Parsons [Marjorie Cameron] since approximately 1946 and have been personal friends to them since that date.
"On approximately September 10, 1950, Marjorie Parsons brought a box of papers and documents to my home and asked me if I would type copies of the documents and papers. She told me at this time that the papers and documents, copies of which I was to copy, were to be used by her husband, John Parsons in procuring employment in the country of Israel. I agreed to type copies of the papers and documents as she requested me to do.
"On Saturday, September 24, 1950, [Redacted], who is a social acquaintance of my husband and I, visited us at our home, I, at this time displayed the documents and papers to [Redacted] who advised me that he was of the opinion that information contained in these documents was of a confidential nature and the information contained in them should not be disseminated outside of the Hughes Aircraft Company at Los Angeles; that the information should not be included in the letters which I was to type copies of and be used for aiding John Parsons in his application for employment in the country of Israel. During the course of my typing certain of the letters, I noticed that one such letter written by John Parsons bore the salutation 'Mr. Rosenfeldt.'
"On September 25, 1950, [Redacted], who identified himself to me to be Administrative Assistant, Research & Development Laboratory, Hughes Aircraft Co. called at my residence and was given a number of the documents and letters which had been given to me by Mr. Parsons. The remainder of the documents, [Redacted] returned to the Hughes Aircraft Co. on September 25, 1950.
"I have read the above statement and it is true and correct in its entirety. I have placed my initials on each correction & on bottom of each page.
"Witnessed this date: 9/25/50 [Redacted] 9-25-50 [Redacted], Special Agent, Fed, Bureau of Investigation, Los Angeles, Calif."
On the same date, September 25, 1950, [Redacted] also was interviewed at his place of employment, the Northrup Aircraft Company, Hawthorne, California, by SA OSSIPOSS and the writer. [Redacted] stated that on September 24, 1950, while he was visiting at the [Redacted] residence, he observed the above mentioned classified material and discussed the matter of its being at the [Redacted] residence with [Redacted] stated [Redacted] told him that MRS. MARJORIE PARSONS, subject's wife, had brought it to their home and had requested [Redacted] to make typewritten copies of it. [Redacted] stated he advised [Redacted] that he believed the material to be of a classified nature and that he was of the opinion that it should not have been left at the [Redacted] residence by PARSONS. He said that he and the [Redacted] then decided that [Redacted] should contact responsible officials of the Hughes Aircraft Company concerning the matter. He advised that he telephoned [Redacted] at the company, and related the information to him.
[Redacted] who is employed as a contracts specification engineer at the Northrop Aircraft Company, stated he is remotely acquainted with subject PARSONS and his wife, having met them once several years ago. He could furnish nothing of a derogatory nature concerning the PARSONS with the exception that he considered them to be "characters and screwballs." He could furnish nothing specific to substantiate this allegation.
On the afternoon of the same date, September 25, 1950, SA OSSIPOFF and the writer proceeded to the Hughes Aircraft Company where the above documents and papers were examined and photographic copies made of them by the Hughes Aircraft Company. At the same time an inventory was made of the material by [Redacted] and the writer and the documents were found to consist of the following:
1. One handwritten draft and four typewritten drafts of tentative points for a two year minimum contract of employment.
2. One handwritten outline of personal qualifications and list of activities in which subject believes himself proficient.
3. One handwritten outline of the manufacturing process of non-nitroglycerine blasting explosives, including a list of ingredients and equipment required for their manufacture.
4. One handwritten discussion on the manufacture of rocket propellants, including a detailed discussion of the application of said propellants in specific weapons and situations.
5. Four typewritten copies of items 2, 3, and 4 above combined and partially completed.
6. Item #4 above completed in typewritten form (1 copy).
7. Typewritten instructions for the manufacture of ASPHALT BASE ROCKET PROPELLANTS (1 copy).
8. Typewritten program for and materials to be used in a laboratory for the development and improvement of explosives, rocker propellants, and allied substances (1 copy).
9. One handwritten and one typewritten copy of the plant manufacturing process of explosives.
10. One handwritten and one typewritten copy of a personal letter from John W. Parsons to Mr. Rosenfeldt, apparently intended as cover letter in transmittal of items one to nine above.
11. One list of essential equipment at THIOKOL for loading T-42 motors.
12. One complete typewritten copy of the THIOKOL Mining and Loading Procedure for T-42 Motors and four incomplete typewritten copies of same.
13. One typewritten copy of proposed propellant Loading Plant for T-42 Motors and cost estimates therefor, tables I, II, III, IV and V; and three typewritten copies of table I of the same only.
The handwritten material was in the handwriting of the subject.
On the same date this material was brought to the Los Angeles office where photographic copies were made of it.
On September 26, 1950, SA OSSIPOFF and the writer displayed the documents and papers to JOHN T. BERDNER, Air Provost Marshall, U.S. Army, who advised that it would be necessary for him to forward copies of them to the Chief of the Security and Police Division, Intelligence Department, Headquarters, Air Materiel Command, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, where the documents would be examined for the purpose of determining whether or not they contain classified or non-classified information.
Pursuant to instructions from BERDNER, the documents and papers on September 26, 1950, were placed in the custody of MAJOR E. J. KRENZ, Air Force Officer in Charge, Hughes Aircraft Company for transmittal to Wright Field.
On September 26, 1950, [Redacted], Security Officer, Hughes Aircraft Company, advised the writer that elements of at least seventeen of the above papers and documents pertaining to specifications for rocket propellants and jet propulsion motors fall within the provisions of Contract W 33038-14220 and should bear the classification "Confidential." He stated that as per AMC report CD 356, dated July 1, 1950, propulsion details, such as that of which the above is concerned, are top be classified "confidential."
On September 26, 1950, JOHN W. PARSONS telephonically contacted this office and stated that he desired to come to the Los Angeles office for the purpose of speaking with an agent concerning the documents and papers which he had left at the [Redacted] residence.
On September 27, 1950, PARSONS was interviewed at the Los Angeles office by SAs OSSIPOFF and WILLIAM C. PATTERSON. At this time he volunteered to furnish the following signed statement:
Sept. 27, 1950
"I, John Whiteside Parsons, make the following voluntary statement to William C. Patterson and Anatole N. Ossipoff known to me to be Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I have been advised of my right to counsel. No threats or promises have been made to induce me to make this statement. I have been advised that this statement may be used in court.
"I presently reside at 1200 Esplanade, Redondo Beach, California. I was born on October 2, 1914 in Los Angeles County, California.
"I was employed by the Hughes Aircraft Company on May 8, 1949 and my present capacity is that of group leader in charge of propellants, propulsion and launching group of the Research and Development Laboratories.
"In approximately October of 1948 I negotiated with a Mr. Rosenfeldt, 4511 Agnes Ave., North Hollywood, California, for a possible position in Israel. Shortly after this I submitted to Rosenfeldt suggested plans for the construction of an explosive plant. These negotiations continued for some time and in approximately June of 1950 I was requested to submit a breakdown of detailed cost of the equipment in explosive processes which I had proposed. In July and August 1950 I prepared a revised proposal. In September 1950 I worked for Hughes Aircraft on a proposed rocket propellant loading plant which was to be built by Hughes Aircraft. My work concerned gathering data on processes to be used and cost of equipment. The proposed rocket propellant loading plant plans included detailed cost breakdowns of the type which I required in my proposal I was to submit to Mr. Rosenfeldt.
"On September 15, 1950 I took a portion of the Hughes Aircraft proposal for the rocket propellant loading plant from the Hughes Aircraft Plant where I was employed. I carried this material out of the plant in a brief case or envelope and I showed a package and property pass to the guard at Gate 18. I took this material home and on the following day, Sept. 16, 1950, I took this material to the residence of [Redacted], Palos Verdes, California, and requested that she type up a rough draft of the material which I had collected in order that I could organize the material in the form of a cost proposal. I explained to [Redacted] that this was for the purpose of preparing a proposal for Mr. Rosenfeldt.
"I understood that Mr. Rosenfeldt represented the Technion Group in Israel which consisted of a number of coordinated Government agencies and private industries for the purpose of technical development in Israel. The Government Agencies referred to above I mean to be Israel Government Agencies. Through reading various magazine articles I discovered that a field for new technical developments existed in Israel and after further investigation I contacted Mr. Rosenfeldt with an inquiry as to possible work that I could do there.
"I knew that the above mentioned material was of a classified nature but it was my intention to select only the cost of equipment and process from the Hughes Aircraft material to include in my proposal to be submitted to Mr. Rosenfeldt.
"I now realize that I was wrong in taking this material from the Hughes Aircraft Plant and presenting it to [Redacted]. It was not my intent to harm the United States or to allow this material to fall into the hands of an unauthorized person. I knew that [Redacted] was loyal and had been cleared after a security investigation. [Redacted] was not aware that the material was classified.
"I received no remuneration or promise of remuneration for removing this material nor was I ordered or requested to do so by any person.
"I have read this statement consisting of six pages initialed by me and it is the truth to the best of my knowledge.
"/s/ John W. Parsons September 27, 1950
"Witnessed by: Anatole N. Ossipoff — Special Agent, FBI, September 27, 1950. William C. Patterson, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation, September 27, 1950."
PARSONS, at this time, furnished the following background information concerning himself: In the year 1929 he accompanied his parents to Europe where he visited for a short period of time. He has not traveled outside the United States since that time. He graduated from University High School, Pasadena, California in 1933 and since that time has taken several correspondence and extension courses from the University of California and University of Southern California. Since graduating from high school he has been employed as follows:
1932 to 1934 — Hercules Powder Company, Los Angeles; 1934 to 1938 — Halifax Explosives Company, Saugus, California; 1938 to 1944 — California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California; 1941 to 1946 — Aerojet Engineering Corporation, Azusa, California; 1946 to 1947 — Vulcan Powder Company, Pasadena, California; 1946 to 1948 — North American Aviation Corporation, Inglewood, California; 1948 to 1950 — Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, California and University of Southern California, Department of Pharmacology, Los Angeles.
He advised that in 1948, while employed with the North American Aviation Company, Inglewood, California, he was suspended from his employment in that he was alleged to have associated with Communists but that in 1949 he was cleared and rehired.
He stated that during approximately 1948, while employed at the Hughes Aircraft Company, he read certain articles in some technical magazines, the exact names of which he could not recall, which pertained to technical development and scientific research in the country of Israel. He stated he became interested in this work which was going on in Israel and that after making a number of inquiries, on ROSENFELDT, 4511 Agnes Avenue, North Hollywood, California, was recommended to him as being able to furnish information regarding the obtaining of employment of this nature in Israel. He stated that in September or October 1948 he contacted ROSENFELDT, who requested him to prepare a proposal regarding the building of an explosives plant in Israel and data concerning rockets and other armaments which PARSONS would be able to conduct research work on in Israel. PARSONS stated he submitted such a proposal to ROSENFELDT but heard nothing from him until August 1950, at which time he again recontacted ROSENFELDT and ROSENFELDT requested him to submit a new proposal pertaining to the cost of a jet propulsion development program on which PARSONS could do research work in Israel.
In the above signed statement volunteered by PARSONS to agents of this office on September 27, 1950, he stated the ROSENFELDT with whom he was in contact concerning his attempts to obtain employment in the country of Israel, resided at 4511 Agnes Avenue, North Hollywood, California. Investigation conducted by SA ANATOLE N. OSSIPOFF has determined the above ROSENFELDT to be identical with HERBERT T. ROSENFELD, president, Southern California Chapter of the American Technion Society.
T-1, of known reliability, stated ROSENFELD is known by the informant to have in the past, associated with various Soviet officials at Los Angeles, and to have been a close friend of MIKHAIL NICHOLAS GORIN, convicted Soviet agent.
The October 21, 1949 issue of the Bnai Brith Messenger carried an article entitled "Technion Head to Speak at Zionist Membership Rally." In the article it was stated that HERBERT T. ROSENFELD, president of the American Technion Society, would be the principal speaker at a general membership rally of the Los Angeles Zionist organization to be held on Wednesday, October 26, 1949.
The article further stated that the American Technion Society has officially been designated by the Israel Government and industry as the "American body providing 'no-how' to enlarge modern techniques achieved by the United States so that it may benefit Israel. This source is composed of business men, technologists and scientists." It was stated that MR. ROSENFELD would speak on the topic "Can Israel be Self-Sufficient?"
PARSONS advised that in 1941, while residing at 1003 South Orange Grove, Pasadena, he was a member of a religious cult which was alleged to have been involved in immoral activities. He said that he is no longer connected with this group and has severed all relations with it. He described himself as being an "individualist."
On September 28, 1950, PARSONS was re-interviewed by the writer at his place of residence, 1200 Esplanade, Redondo Beach, California. The writer exhibited to him seventeen photographic copies of the documents mentioned above and he identified them as being identical to the originals which he stated he had removed from the Hughes Aircraft Company on September 15, 1950. He placed his initials on the back of each page and in his own handwriting furnished the following signed certification:
9/28/50 1200 Esplanade Redondo Beach, Calif.
"I, John W. Parsons, do hearby [sic] certify that the photographic copies, seventeen pages, are identical to the original documents composed by me and fellow employees while I was employed at the Hughes Aircraft Company; the original copies having been removed from the plant by me.
"The above photographic copies were shown to me this date by Special Agent [Redacted] who has identified himself to me and whom I know to be a special agent with the F.B.I.
"No threats, duress, or promises have been used against me to have me make this certification.
"I have been advised that I do not have to make this certification, of my right to council [sic], and that this certification may be used in a court of law against me.
"/s/ John W. Parsons
"Witnessed this date 9/28/50 [Redacted]
PARSONS advised the writer that he was terminated from his place of employment, the Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, and September 26, 1950.
On September 29, 1950, [Redacted], Plant Security Head, North American Aviation Corporation, Inglewood, California, advised that PARSONS was employed with the company as a laboratory worker from 1946 to 1948. He stated that by letter dated September 21, 1948, his company was notified by the Provost Marshal, U.S. Air Force, Inspector Generals Office, that an investigation conducted by that office had determined PARSONS to be undesirable for employment on classified contracts for the departments of the Air Force, Army and Navy. [Redacted] said the company terminated the subject from his employment there shortly afterwards; however, he stated that by letter dated March 7, 1949, the North American Aviation Corporation was notified by the Provost Marshal, U.S. Air Force, Inspector Generals Office, that the subject had been cleared by the Industrial Employment Review Board and granted access to secret and top secret information. He advised the subject was thereupon rehired by the company. [Redacted] stated the files of his office contain no information as to the reasons why the subject was temporarily termed undesirable for work on classified contracts.
On October 4, 1950, MR. JOHN T. BERDNER, Air Provost Marshal, Los Angeles Air Force Procurement Office, 155 West Washington Boulevard, advised that the records of his office contain no information relative to the subject's denial of clearance while he was employed at the North American Aviation Corporation in 1948. He stated the records concerning the matter are presently in the custody of MAJOR SAM BRUNO, Chief, Security Section, Provost Marshal, Inspector General, Air Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio.
On January 11, 1950, and on April 27, 1950, PARSONS was interviewed by SA ARTHUR C. WITTENBURG concerning PARSONS' past associations with SIDNEY WEINBAUM, against whom prosecution in Federal Court on charges of perjury and fraud against the government was recently successfully completed. PARSONS volunteered to SA WITTENBURG the information that in the year 1938 he had attended several meetings of a group of scientists from the California Institute of Technology at Pasadena and that at these meetings SIDNEY WEINBAUM expressed intensive interest in Communism. PARSONS stated that he discontinued his associations with WEINBAUM and stopped attending the meetings because of WEINBAUM'S having attempted to influence him, PARSONS, and other members of the group with Communist propaganda.
The records of the Hughes Aircraft Company, Hawthorne, California, reflected PARSONS furnished the company with the following additional background information concerning himself in 1948.
Consulting Connections:
Los Angeles District Attorneys Office, Los Angeles Police Department (certified Los Angeles Superior Court);Northrop Aircraft Company; General Chemical Company; National Defense Research Council; Office of Scientific Research and Development.
Organization of Which as Member: American Chemical Society; Institute of Aeronautical Sciences; American Institute for the Advancement of Sciences; Society of Sigma XI.
In addition to the above, the subject listed a number of scientific writings of which he claimed to be the author and which pertained to jet propulsion and rocket propellants. He listed seven patents and inventions of a scientific nature which he stated he had developed.
A description of JOHN WHITESIDE PARSONS as procured from a biographical outline furnished by him to the Hughes Aircraft Company and as furnished to SA OSSIPOFF is as follows:
Name: JOHN WHITESIDE PARSONS Alias: JACK PARSONS Sex: Male Age: 36 Born: 10-2-14; Los Angeles, California Color: White Present Residence: 1200 Esplanade, Redondo Beach, California Former Residences: 168 Terrace Drive, Pasadena, California; 1003 South Orange Grove, Pasadena, California; 3416 Manhattan Avenue, Manhattan Beach, California; 3212 Highland Avenue, Manhattan Beach, California. Height: 6:1" Weight: 185 pounds Build: Medium Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Complexion: Fair Marital Status: Married Immediate Relatives: Wife, MARJORIE ELIZABETH PARSONS, Mother, RUTH VIRGINIA PARSONS; Father, CAPTAIN MARVEL H. PARSONS, U.S. Army (deceased).
There is no record of arrest for the subject at the Los Angeles Police Department or the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office.
T-2, of known reliability, advised that ROBERT ALDEN CORNOG occasionally resided at the subject's residence at 1005 South Orange Grove, Pasadena, California in the year 1946. Informant stated PARSONS' home, as of that time, served as a sort of headquarters for a religious cult in Pasadena.
T-3, of known reliability, stated CORNOG attempted to contact MARTIN KAMEN at KAMEN'S residence in San Francisco, California on March 13, 1945.
T-4, of known reliability, advised that MARTIN DAVID KAMEN was discharged from his employment on the DSM Project at Berkeley, California in 1944 because he was believed to have revealed "top secret information" to representatives of the Soviet Union.
[Redacted] Los Angeles, California
In May 1948, [Redacted], in an interview with SA HENRY C. JOHNSON, stated that [Redacted], of the "Veterans Committee of One Thousand" in Los Angeles.
T-5, of known reliability, stated the "Veterans Committee of One Thousand" in 1947 became known as the "Association of Veteran Home Buyers" and that the organization as of that date was a Communist controlled and dominated organization for veterans, operated primarily in the west section of the Los Angeles metropolitan area.
T-6, of known reliability, advised in May 1948 that [Redacted] was present at a meeting of the above organization at the Los Angeles High School on the evening of February 2, 1947.
[Redacted] Palos Verdes, California
T-7, of known reliability, stated [Redacted] has in the past made statements to the informant which were sympathetic to Russia and has spoken radically to the informant concerning various social matters. Informant did not consider her to be very trustworthy.
T-8, of unknown reliability, stated [Redacted] is known by the informant to have compared the educational methods of the United States to those of Russia and to have stated that Russia's educational methods are superior to those of the United States. Informant stated [Redacted] has compared the United States democracy to "Russian democracy" and has stated that she feels that many things in Russia are superior to these in this country. Informant was of the opinion [Redacted] is not very trustworthy or desirable for a position of a confidential nature.
T-9, of known reliability, stated [Redacted] is known by the informant to have expressed her sympathy for Russian ideals and has stated that she does not believe that the United States understands Russia; however, informant was of the opinion that [Redacted] does not actually intend to be disloyal to the United States.
The files of the Los Angeles office contain nothing of a derogatory nature concerning [Redacted].
The Los Angeles Police Department and Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office possess no records concerning [Redacted] or [Redacted].
CINCINNATI OFFICE At Dayton, Ohio: Will contact MAJOR SAM BRUNO, Chief, Security Section, Provost Marshal, Air Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Will ascertain the facts concerning the investigation conducted by that office in 1948 which resulted in the subject's being temporarily denied clearance at the North American Aviation Corporation, where he was employed in 1948.
LOS ANGELES OFFICE At Los Angeles, California: Will, in the event pertinent documents are determined by the Security and Policy Division, Air Materiel Command, to be of a classified nature, request the Bureau to submit facts to the department for consideration as to possible prosecutive action.
Source T-1 — [Redacted], admitted Soviet agent, who furnished the information to SA E. P. HAIR on February 16 and 23, 1942.
Source T-2 — [Redacted], U.S. Army, Area Engineer, Los Angeles Area, MED, Los Angeles, California, who furnished the information to SA BURL T. BUFKIN in 1946.
Source T-3 — CNDI SF 1435, who furnished the information to the San Francisco office on March 13, 1945.
Source T-4 — Counter Intelligence Detachment, U.S. Engineers, Manhattan Engineer District, Berkeley, California, who furnished the above information to the San Francisco office in 1944.
Source T-5 — [Redacted], who furnished the information to this office in 1948.
Source T-6 — [Redacted], of the Anti-Subversive Detail, Los Angeles Police Department, who furnished this information to SA HENRY C. JOHNSON in 1948.
Source T-7 — [Redacted], who furnished this information to SA HENRY C. JOHNSON in May 1948. [Redacted] has requested that his identity be retained as confidential.
Source T-8 — [Redacted], who furnished this information to SA HENRY C. JOHNSON in May 1948. [Redacted] has requested that his identity be retained as confidential.
Source T-9 — [Redacted], who furnished this information to SA HENRY C. JOHNSON in May 1948. [Redacted] has requested that his identity be retained as confidential.