Form No. 1
File No.: 65-5131
This Case Originated At: Los Angeles.
Report Made At: Los Angeles.
Date When Made: 12/7/50.
Period For Which Made: 11/14, 22, 24, 28-30; 12/1, 2, 4/50
Report Made By: [Redacted] CEA.
Title: JOHN WHITESIDE PARSONS aka Jack Parsons.
Character of Case: ESPIONAGE — IS.
Nine of thirteen documents removed by subject from Hughes Aircraft classified "Confidential". Three of the classified documents are carbon copies of actual Hughes Aircraft material, of which Hughes has originals. Subject's association with American Civil Liberties Union set forth. Information concerning Church of Thelema and subject's activities in WEINBAUM group set forth.
On November 14, 1950 Mr. JOHN T. BERDNER, Air Provost Marshal, Los Angeles Air Field Procurement Office, 155 West Washington Boulevard, Los Angeles, advised that photostatic copies of the documents recovered at the [Redacted] residence, which had been left there by subject, had been reviewed and classified by Mr. JACK LEET, MCREOA-1, and Major FRANK J. AUSTIN, JR., Ordnance Liaison Officer, Redstone Arsenal. The following security classification determinations were made:
Item 1 Unclassified Item 2 Confidential Item 3 Confidential Item 4 Confidential Item 5 Confidential Item 6 Confidential Item 7 Confidential Item 8 Unclassified Item 9 Unclassified Item 10 Unclassified Item 11 Confidential Item 12 Confidential Item 13 Confidential
A description of the material in the above-listed items has been previously reported.
[Redacted], Security Officer, Hughes Aircraft Company, advised November 24, 1950 that all material developed at Hughes Aircraft pertaining to Project MX904 and relating to details of propulsion is classified "Confidential" by order of Air Force Directive CD356 dated 1st July 1950, page 4. The material in the above-listed classified material comes within the purview of this Air Force Directive, according to [Redacted].
On November 24, 1950 [Redacted], Security Officer, Hughes Aircraft; Major E. J. KRANZ, Air Force Officer in Charge at Hughes Aircraft; and the writer examined the original documents recovered at the [Redacted] residence, which documents are being retained at Hughes Aircraft in a sealed envelope.
Of the classified material, it was noted that Items 11, 12, and 13 are carbon copies of actual Hughes Aircraft documents. These carbon copies were typed on green sheets of paper. Partial copies had been made of Items 12 and 13 by [Redacted].
[Redacted] advised that Items 11, 12, and 13 are part of a report written jointly by PARSONS and [Redacted] of Hughes Aircraft.
[Redacted], Research Engineer, Hughes Aircraft, on November 24, 1950 was interviewed and advised that he presently resides at [Redacted], Los Angeles, California. He stated that the Items 11, 12, and 13 make up a rough draft report compiled at Hughes Aircraft in September, 1950 by PARSONS and himself. The material for this rough draft report came from personal notes made by [Redacted] while at the Thiokol Corporation Branch at Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama. According to [Redacted] this was a confidential report based on material taken from notes made at a confidential project, and no other reports or documents were used in the completion of this report. [Redacted] advised that actually PARSONS had had very little to do with the compilation of this material, but that it was, nevertheless, a joint project.
[Redacted], head of the Missile Project Section, Hughes Aircraft, was interviewed on November 24, 1950, and advised that he presently resides at [Redacted], Palos Verdes Estates, California. [Redacted] stated that he can produce the originals of the documents of which PARSONS had carbon copies — Items 11, 12, and 13. The originals are now stamped "Confidential", but — explained that the classification stamp was not placed on these documents until after PARSONS was found to have the material from Hughes out of the plant.
[Redacted] advised that all the documents except Item 13 had been recovered at the [Redacted] residence by himself and Special Agent [Redacted] of this office on September 25. Item 13 had been returned to Hughes by [Redacted] on September 25, 1950 and given to Colonel JOHN K. BROWN, Director of Security and Protection, Hughes Aircraft, who, in turn, gave it to [Redacted].
[Redacted] interviewed December 1, 1950 by Special Agent ALLEN H. SMITH and the writer at his place of employment, the Moulton Corporation, 3210 Winona Avenue, Burbank, California, furnished the following signed statement:
"Burbank, Calif. Dec. 1, 1950
"I [Redacted], Palos Verdes, Calif., make the following statement freely and voluntarily to [Redacted] and Allen H. Smith who have identified themselves to me as special agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Dept. of Justice. No threats or promises have been made to me and I know this statement can be used in court.
"During the latter part of September, 1950, at which time my wife was in the process of typing some documents for John Parsons, I realized that some of these documents might be of a classified nature. On September 25, 1950 I brought one of these documents to work with me with the idea of taking it to Hughes Aircraft that date to ascertain if the document was restricted. Prior to my going to Hughes, a [Redacted] of Hughes called me and asked to have the document delivered to plant protection. Accordingly, on Sept. 25, 1950, I delivered this document to [Redacted] who I believe is the head of plant protection at Hughes.
"This date I have observed a photostat of a document noted to be Item 13 and headed 'Proposed Propellant Loading Plant for T-42 Motors', which consists of 6 pages stapled together. I recognize the top sheet of this item 13 to have the same context as the document I returned to Hughes. The document I returned to Hughes was a carbon copy typed on green sheets. For further identifying the document I returned, I recall some writing on the top sheet of the typewritten document and recall the words 'Falcon Missile' being lightly crossed out on the top sheet of this document.
"I have read the above statement and it is true and correct in its entirety. I have initialed the first page and signed the second page.
"Witnessed this date: 12/1/50 /s/[Redacted] Special Agent FBI 12/1/50 /s/ Allen H. Smith, Special Agent FBI 12/1/50"
[Redacted] advised that Mr. and Mrs. PARSONS had been personal friends and that the typing done by [Redacted] for PARSONS had been on a personal basis. PARSONS had indicated, however, that he would reimburse [Redacted] for her time. [Redacted] stated he cannot positively identify the document he returned to Hughes, but that he did read it and can remember enough of the first page to effect an identification of the context. In this regard it is pointed out that [Redacted] is a radio engineer by profession and is to some extent acquainted with technical terms.
[Redacted], Director of Security and Protection, Hughes Aircraft Company, advised on November 30, 1950 that he recalls [Redacted] bringing the document (Item 13) to him on September 25, which document he turned over to [Redacted].
In a statement previously furnished by PARSONS on September 27, he stated he personally took the material to the [Redacted] residence. [Redacted] in a statement furnished on September 25, indicated the material was brought to her home by MARJORIE PARSONS [Marjorie Cameron], wife of subject.
On November 29, 1950 [Redacted] advised that her statement as previously furnished was correct, and that it had been Mrs. PARSONS who had actually brought the material to her residence to be typed. She advised that she had discussed with subject and Mrs. PARSONS the details of her typing this material prior to the time Mrs. PARSONS actually delivered the documents.
On December 2, 1950 subject and Mrs. PARSONS were interviewed by Special Agent ALLEN H. SMITH and the writer, at which time they furnished the following signed statements:
Dec. 2, 1950
"I, John Whiteside Parsons, make the following statement to [Redacted] and Allen H. Smith who have identified themselves to me as special agents pf the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Dept. of Justice. This statement is made freely and voluntarily and I have been advised of my right to counsel. No threats or promises have been made to induce me to make this statement and I have been advised that this statement may be used in court.
"I wish to correct my statement of Sept. 27, 1950 inasmuch as I now recall that I did not take the Hughes material myself to the [Redacted] residence. I did discuss and make the arrangements with [Redacted] for her to type copies of this material for me. My wife actually took the material to the [Redacted] on or about the 23rd of September.
"I have read the above statement and it is true and correct in its entirety.
"/s/ John W. Parsons
"Witnessed this date: 12/2/50 /s/ [Redacted] Special Agent F.B.I. 12/2/50 /s/ Allen H. Smith, Sp. Agt. FBI"
"Redondo Beach, California Dec. 2, 1950
"I. Marjorie Parsons, 1200 Esplanade, Redondo Beach, California make the following statement freely and voluntarily to [Redacted] and Allen H. Smith who have identified themselves to me as special agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Dept. of Justice. I have been advised of my right to counsel and no threats or promises have been made to induce me to make this statement. I have been advised that this statement may be used in court.
During the month of September, 1950 I was aware that my husband was preparing a proposal to be used as an application for a position in Israel. I did not know the source of this material but did proof-read the proposal for grammar and spelling. Arrangements were made by my husband and I for [Redacted] to type this material. On or about Sept. 18, 1950 I took the material for the proposal to [Redacted] and left same to be typed. This material I carried in a small box at this time.
"I have read the above statement and it is true and correct in its entirety.
"/s/ Marjorie Parsons
"Witnessed 12/2/50 /s/ [Redacted] Special Agent FBI 12/2/50 /s/ Allen H. Smith, Sp. Agt., F.B.I., Los Angeles 12/2/50"
PARSONS advised that he had gone to HERBERT T. ROSENFELD on the advice of Professor THEODORE VON KARMAN of the California Institute of Technology. VON KARMAN is an acquaintance of long standing, PARSONS stated, and he had recommended ROSENFELD as an old friend. PARSONS advised that ROSENFELD at no time requested any particular article or proposal be prepared but only requested a paper or write-up on what PARSONS was qualified to do in the way of employment. The particular data prepared, PARSONS stated, was of his own idea entirely.
Regarding THEODORE VON KARMAN mentioned above, the Los Angeles Times of September 27, 1948 contained an article indicating VON KARMAN, Director of the Guggenheim Laboratory of Aeronautics at California Institute of Technology, had been named to receive the 1948 Gold Medal Award of the Franklin Institute for his research on supersonic aircraft. This article indicated VON KARMAN has been a professor of aeronautics at California Institute of Technology since 1930 and during the war was chairman of the Scientific Advisory Group.
[Redacted], Security Supervisor, Hughes Aircraft, advised on November 24, 1950 that he had interviewed PARSONS prior to PARSONS' departure from Hughes Aircraft. At this time PARSONS admitted having been associated with SIDNEY WEINBAUM but stated he dropped out of this group in late 1939 or 1940 when it became too communistic. SIDNEY WEINBAUM has been previously identified in this case. PARSONS admitted he subscribed to the Daily People's World, a West Coast Communist Party organ, in 1938 and later joined the American Civil Liberties Union. A check of the Personal Security Questionnaire completed April 11, 1949 for Hughes Aircraft revealed PARSONS indicated one of the organizations he had belonged to in 1946 was the American Civil Liberties Union.
Informant T-1, of known reliability, advised in September, 1950 that the American Civil Liberties Union in Los Angeles has defended in some instances what they term the civil right and liberties of Communist Party members and those who have been closely connected with the Los Angeles County Communist Party. T-1 advised that the policies of this organization have closely followed the Communist Party line of which this informant has been familiar for a period of over 20 years. T-1 stated that this organization has also defended the civil rights and liberties of non-Communist Party members.
[Redacted] advised that he ascertained that one [Redacted] had lived at the same residence as PARSONS 3416 Manhattan Avenue, Manhattan Beach, California from 1946 through 1949, and that [Redacted] is a Communist Party member.
Regarding [Redacted] advised on November 29, 1950 that she did not know any [Redacted] but that subject had been acquainted with a [Redacted]. She did not recall PARSONS having resided with this individual but stated that it could have been possible and she would not have known it.
According to informant T-2, of known reliability, [Redacted] was interviewed by employees of the Plant Protection Office of one of the major aircraft companies in Los Angeles in 1942, at which time he was employed in the aircraft industry. [Redacted] admitted having attended one or two communistic meetings but became disgusted with the type of persons at these meetings. [Redacted] was questioned regarding allegations of pro-German statements made by himself, but he denied ever having made same.
It has been previously reported that records of the Provost Marshal's Office, Air Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, revealed an investigation under date of May 17, 1948 regarding subject. This investigation developed information indicating a religious cult, believed to advocate sexual perversion, was organized at subject's home, 1003 S. Orange Grove Avenue, Pasadena, and that this organization was reported subversive. Investigation also developed indicated subject to be associated with one SIDNEY WEINBAUM, previously mentioned.
Regarding subject's association with the WEINBAUM group, informant T-3, a source of known reliability was formerly associated with a local police department, advised that PARSONS had furnished information prior to November, 1941 to T-3 concerning this group.
On November 4, 1942 PARSONS advised Special Agents VIRGIL Q. COX and GEORGE L. TROLL that about three years previously he had attended meetings at the home of WEINBAUM at which writings of KARL MARX and JOHN STRACHEY were studied. At this time PARSONS furnished information concerning the group of which WEINBAUM was a member.
Regarding the religious cult mentioned above with which PARSONS was associated, [Redacted] has advised that this group was known as the Church of Thelema.
Regarding PARSONS' association with the Church of Thelema, it is noted that during the interview of September 27, 1950 by Special Agents ANATOLE N. OSSIPOFF and WILLIAM C. PATTERSON previously reported, PARSONS advised he was a member of a religious cult in 1941 while residing at 1003 South Orange Grove Avenue, Pasadena, He indicated at this time that he was no longer connected with the group and has severed all relations with it.
[Redacted], Pasadena Police Department, advised Special Agent ARTHUR C. WITTENBURG on April 3, 1950 that the Pasadena Police Department had received several complaints with regard to the activities in a home at 1003 South Orange Grove Avenue, Pasadena, which, at the time, was leased in the name of PARSONS. [Redacted] records reflect some literature which indicated that at these premises were being held meetings of a cult which went under the name of the Church of Thelema. Descriptive literature indicates this cult broadly hinted at free love. [Redacted] advised he had received several complaints of "strange goings on at this home", and that he recalled at the time that it was a gathering place of perverts.
In 1943 [Redacted] was interviewed by Special Agents CHARLES C. SHAW and CHARLES W. KREAGER, at which time [Redacted] indicated he considered himself [Redacted] of the Church of Thelema, which organization was dedicated to spiritual advancement and improvement of self. He said a great many of the teachings and ideals of the Church of Thelema were based on the teachings of ALEISTER CROWLEY of London, England, an internationally known poet, and that the organization was sometimes referred to as Crowleyism or Crowleyites.
Also in 1943 subject was interviewed by special agents CHARLES C. SHAW and CHARLES W. KREAGER, at which time PARSONS stated the Church of Thelema was a lodge and fraternity as well as a church, and that they studied philosophy as well as religion and attempted to inform themselves concerning all types and kinds of religion. He further stated that the Church of Thelema was "dedicated to the freedom and liberty of the individual." PARSONS advised at this time that they were anti-communistic and anti-fascist.
With the consent of [Redacted] and Mrs. PARSONS the residence at 1003 South Orange Grove Avenue was searched by Special Agents CHARLES C. SHAW and CHARLES W. KREAGER in 1943, at which time nothing of a subversive nature was found.
ADMINISTRATIVE PAGE The indices of the Los Angeles Office reveal no record of [Redacted] previously submitted.
LOS ANGELES OFFICE At Los Angeles, California: Will, if Bureau permission is granted, present this matter to the United States Attorney for prosecutive opinion.
INFORMANT PAGE T-1 [Redacted] to SA WILLIAM J. NOLAN on 9/15/50.
T-2 Plant Protection Officer, North American Aviation, Inc., as revealed in North American Aviation letter dated 11/3/42 captioned [Redacted].
T-3 [Redacted], Pasadena, formerly of the Pasadena Police Department, to SA REX ELLIS on 4/19/48.
Reference: Report of SA [Redacted] dated 11/2/50 at Los Angeles.