SAC, Los Angeles
January 3, 1951
Director, FBI
Reference is made to the reports of SA [Redacted], dated November 2, 1950, and [Redacted], dated December 7, 1950, in the case entitled "John Whiteside Parsons, aka Jack Parsons, Espionage — IS."
From the information contained in these reports it appears that Herbert Theodore Rosenfeld is the President of the American Technion Society which is described as being officially designated by the Israeli Government to provide certain information for the benefit of Israel.
The Bureau desires that you immediately reopen this investigation and consolidate in your initial report all pertinent information concerning the activities of Rosenfeld and his association with Parsons, including the request on the part of Rosenfeld for Parsons to submit a detailed plan relative to the cost of equipment in explosive processes, during the latter's negotiations with Rosenfeld for a position in Israel.
This report should be prepared so that it may be disseminated to the Department of Justice. The Bureau has requested the Department to advise whether Rosenfeld has registered with the Attorney General under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 as amended, and when this information is received you will be promptly advised.
For the information of the Washington Field Office, Parsons in a signed statement dated September 27, 1950, admitted entering negotiations with Rosenfeld in approximately October, 1948 for the purpose of securing a position in Israel. In connection with this, Parsons submitted to Rosenfeld suggested plans for the construction of an explosive plant, and in approximately June, 1950 Parsons was requested to submit a breakdown of detailed costs of equipment in explosive processes which he had proposed, and in July and August, 1950, he prepared a revised proposal.
According to Parsons, the subject represented the Technion Group in Israel which consisted of a number of coordinated Israeli Government agencies and private industries for the purpose of technical development in Israel.
Parsons also stated that in September or October, 1949 he contacted Rosenfeld who requested him to prepare a proposal regarding the building of an explosives plant in Israel, and data concerning rockets and other armaments on which Parsons would be able to conduct research work in Israel. Parsons advised that he submitted such a proposal to Rosenfeld, but did not hear anything from him until August, 1950 when he recontacted the subject and Rosenfeld requested him to submit a new proposal pertaining to the cost of a jet propulsion development program on which Parsons would do research work in Israel.
The Los Angeles Office has advised that Herbert Theodore Rosenfeld is President of the Southern California Chapter of the American Technion Society, and according to the October 21, 1949, issue of the B'nai B'rith Messenger, the American Technion Society has been designated officially by the Israel Government as the American body providing the "know-how" to enlarge modern techniques achieved by the United States so that it may benefit Israel.
Parsons had indicated that Rosenfeld did not at any time require him to prepare any particular article on proposal. (Ibid — 3)
The Washington Office is instructed to ascertain whether the American Technion Society is registered with the Secretary of State and also determine whether Rosenfeld is registered as an agent of a foreign government with the Secretary of State, and if he is registered, obtain complete details relative to the information appearing in his registration, and advise the Los Angeles Office and the Bureau of the results of these inquiries.