Feb 20 1951


Counter Intelligence Division, Directorate of Special

Investigations, The Inspector General


Propulsion Branch, Aircraft Division

Directorate of Research and Development, DCS/D



1. A survey of the specific documents mentioned in paragraph 1a, disclosed that decisions on military security classifications rest with the Department of the Army, Office, Chief of Ordnance, since this work at California Institute of Technology was and has been continued under the administrative direction of that Department.


2. It will be difficult to arrive at recommendations regarding military security of the documents cited under paragraph 1b, unless the details could be examined in the complete documents. These details are likewise related to Army Ordnance contracts which the Air Force has requested them to conduct.


3. It is urged that all papers be submitted to a competent technical authority in the Army Ordnance Department (e.g. Mr. James R. Youmans, Rocket Development Branch, Room 2D, 370a, The Pentagon, phone Ext. 52033) who could prepare authoritative and final recommendations on present security classifications on all documents cited.


4. It is desired to emphasize that although some of these documents may be considered "Unclassified" from the military security viewpoint, they may contain certain proprietary information which the U.S. Government is not permitted to disclose to unauthorized persons. Also, there may be questions of U.S. Patent Secrecy agreements involved in one or more process disclosures. Such possible disclosures can be decided also by the Army Ordnance Department to protect the rights of their contractors (i.e. Aerojet Engineering Corporation and Thiokol Corporation).


5. In reply to the inquiry of paragraph 2b, it is recommended that none of these documents classified for reasons of military security or propreitary security be presented before a civill court if it is necessary that they be made a part of the open records of that court.




Colonel, U.S. Air Force

Chief, Propulsion Branch

Directorate of Research and Development

Office, Deputy Chief of Staff, Development


