Form No. 1
File No.: 65-5131
This Case Originated At: Los Angeles.
Report Made At: Los Angeles.
Date When Made: 3/8/51.
Period For Which Made: 1/27; 2/1, 2, 6-9, 13-17/51.
Report Made By: [Redacted] PM.
Title: JOHN WHITESIDE PARSONS aka Jack Parsons.
Character of Case: ESPIONAGE — IS.
Subject's birth at Los Angeles verified. Signed statement furnished by PARSONS to Hughes Aircraft Company, September 26, 1950 set forth.
The subject's birth at Los Angeles, California, was verified February 15, 1951. The record of this birth is contained in Book 102, Page 6549 of the Bureau of Vital Statistics, City of Los Angeles.
A signed statement furnished to [Redacted] and [Redacted] of Hughes Aircraft Company on September 26, 1950 is as follows:
12:00 Noon 26 September 1950 Payroll # 71523 Employed by Hughes Aircraft Co May 8, 1949 Dept 04 — Propellant Section
"I JOHN W. PARSONS, make the following requested signed statement to [Redacted], Staff Assistant, Security Department, Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, California, knowing first, that I do not have to make any statement and that any statement I make can and will be used against me in the event I am ever held for trial and that no threats nor promises have been used in any manner, causing me to make this statement.
"My name id JOHN W. PARSONS. I presently reside at 1200 Esplanade, Redondo Beach, California. I was employed by H.A.C. 5/8/49 and my present capacity is that of Group Leader in Charge of Propellants, Propulsion and Launching Group of the Research and Development Laboratories. In October of 1948, I entered into negotiations in regard to a position in Israel. In this period I submitted a proposal of suggested activities which included the construction of Explosive Plants and the development and manufacture of rockets and other armaments which could be done with the approval of the United States. These negotiations continued for sometime and in June of 1950 I was requested to submit a breakdown of detailed costs of the equipment and processes which I had proposed. In July and August, I prepared a revised proposal. In September I worked for H.A.C. on a proposed Rocket Propellant Loading Plant. The proposal included detailed cost breakdowns of the type which I required in my proposal to Israel. On or about the 16th of September, I approached a [Redacted] of Pales Verdes, California, with the request that she type up a rough draft of the material which I had collected in order that I could organize this in the form of a signed cost proposal. I selected [Redacted] and had this typed by her since I had known her and her husband for a period of over five (5) years. I knew that both she and her husband had been cleared to work on classified projects after an extensive investigation and that clearance for her husband was current.
"Among the material from which I asked her to type extracts there was included a rough draft of a portion of a Propellant Loading proposal at H.A.C. which had been marked "Confidential". The rough draft of the material from which I intended to prepare my proposal was partially typed by [Redacted] in the period of September 16 to September 23, 1950. I understand that on September 25, this material was picked up by the F.B.I. and the matter was referred to H.A.C. It was not in any way my intention to transmit any portion of the material which had been classified to Israel or to any other unauthorized person. It was my intention to select only the cost of equipment and process from the material to include in my proposal. It was further my intention before proceeding, to submit details of the proposal to check with the State Department both in regard to the possibility of getting a passport and the advisability of proceeding with any proposed activities. I had selected [Redacted] to do the typing since I knew that she had been cleared in the past, that she was a highly responsible and loyal person and there was no possibility of any leak thru her or her husband, to unauthorized persons. I feel that any action in allowing classified material which was the property of H.A.C. to come into the hands of a person, who however responsible, was not directly authorized to receive this material, was a serious error in judgment. It is my understanding that I removed this aforesaid Confidential material in violation of H.A.C. rules. I did not remove them with the expressed or implied permission of any person in H.A.C. My removal of this document was not known to any person in H.A.C., not to any other person with the exception of myself. To my knowledge, [Redacted] had no knowledge that Confidential material was being used in any unusual manner.
"I received no remuneration or promise of remuneration for removing this material, nor was I induced or requested to do so by any other person. I have no membership in any organization which is in any way interested or concerned in this matter or which advised or induced me to act in the manner aforesaid. I wish to emphasize again that I had no intent of violating any law or of transmitting any classified information or Company property to any unauthorized person.
"To the best of my knowledge, I do not now have in my possession, any classified material belonging to the Hughes Aircraft Company, nor any other classified material of any sort. If I should find any such classified material among my possessions, I will immediately return same to H.A.C.
"I have read the above statement consisting of two (2) pages and checked the statement therein and it is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. No threats nor promises have been made to cause me to initial the preceding pages not to sign this statement."
WITNESSES: /S/ [Redacted] [Redacted] Los Angeles, Calif.
— P E N D I N G —
[Redacted] and [Redacted], same address, on February 8, 1951, advised as follows:
They stated that the PARSONS are an odd and unusual pair in that they do not live by the commonly accepted code of married life and are both very fascinated by anything unusual or morbid such as voodooism, cults, homosexuality, and religious practices that are "different." Subject seems very much in love with his wife [Marjorie Cameron] but she is not at all affectionate and does not appear to return his affection. Both have had "affairs" with other people since their marriage, with the other's knowledge, and this apparently has been an accepted practice. She is the dominating personality of the two and controls the activities and thinking of subject to a very considerable degree. It is the opinion of [Redacted] that if subject were to have been in any way willfully involved in any activities of an internal espionage nature, it would probably have been on the instigation of his wife.
[Redacted] described [Redacted] [Marjorie Cameron] as an intelligent, quick witted and vivacious person. She is an admitted "liberal" having stated dissatisfaction with this country and a desire to raise any children she may have in some other country where the children will have the freedom to do as they like. In this regard, she has mentioned Mexico, and Israel as two desirable countries.
While in the WAVES during the past war, [Redacted] was stationed in Washington, D.C. and for a time was performing duties for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. She tells the story that she was removed from this position and transferred as a result of her association with a suspected German Espionage Agent in Washington, D.C.
During the latter part of 1947 or the early part of 1948, after being married about a year, [Redacted] went to Paris as an art student under the "G. I. Bill." [Redacted] cannot recall the duration of this visit but are of the opinion it was only a matter of "a few months." On her return, she stated she did not attend an art school in Paris but offered no explanation as to the reason. She indicated that while in Paris, she associated with a well known Communist Editor named LANNELLON (phonetic) of a Paris Communist Newspaper. Another individual she mentioned having known in Paris was an American who said he was a newspaper correspondent for an American newspaper. She stated that this individual's first name was "BOB" and that he seemed to force his attentions on her. She suspected him of being an FBI Agent, however, she never gave any explanation as to why she should have been suspicious of anyone being an FBI Agent interested in her. She said that "BOB" was in a group including herself, which group made a trip to England and Switzerland.
[Redacted] advised she observed an itemized statement prepared by [Redacted] concerning the expenses of this European trip, which expenses totaled $2,500.
Following the return of [Redacted] to this country, she became acquainted in an unknown fashion with an individual named [Redacted] (phonetic). Mrs. PARSONS indicated she met [Redacted] on the beach at Manhattan Beach, California, and that they subsequently became good friends. She had an "affair" with [Redacted] with subject's knowledge.
[Redacted] was by his own remarks, not a citizen of the United States and had the appearance of a Swede, Dane or North German. He is described by [Redacted] as thirty-three years of age, 5'8" in height, sandy colored hair, weather beaten face, and Central European accent. [Redacted] constantly told stories about being a member of various underground organizations during the past war and spoke once at length about a trip into Russia resulting in a fiction-like escape. [Redacted] was never clear in his remarks as to what country he came from or what country's underground organizations he spoke about. [Redacted] friendship with [Redacted] ceased when subject became incensed at her association with him.
[Redacted] remarked that it was obvious [Redacted] had considerable technical cognizance, although he attempted to conceal this fact.
In May, 1949, [Redacted] advised [Redacted] departed for a Mexican trip with the purpose of attending art school in San Miguel, Mexico. During her stay at San Miguel, a murder occurred in the house which [Redacted] was leasing, which murder resulted in considerable publicity.
From Mexico [Redacted] took ship passage for France to again attend art school in Paris. The duration of this stay in Europe by [Redacted] is not known to [Redacted]. She returned from Europe to Mexico and again went to San Miguel to attend art school. She returned to the United States from Mexico in the late spring or early summer of 1950. Her large female German Police dog, of which she is extremely fond, was left in the care of friends in Mexico, inasmuch as she stated she intended to return there at a latter date.
On her return, she spoke of the extreme difficulty she had had with financial matters on this trip but she had in her possession six or seven pieces of obviously expensive leather luggage and a considerable quantity of laces.
[Redacted] advised that when she told [Redacted] that the material left to be typed had been picked up by the FBI, [Redacted] said "Oh, my God" several times and was visibly shaken. She immediately telephoned subject and after talking to him told [Redacted] he had said he would not leave work or do anything as it might appear suspicious. [Redacted] stated the PARSONS seemed very anxious to get this material typed in a hurry and [Redacted] even volunteered to [Redacted] to expedite the typing.
[Redacted] stated that the PARSONS were married at Laguna, California, probably in 1947. [Redacted] identified the following individuals as friends or acquaintances of the PARSONS.
This individual was a friend of the PARSONS, visiting frequently in their home. He was employed in one of the studios as an artist. According to his conversations, he had been an employee of the U.S.O. and went to Japan in this capacity during the past war. His discussions usually centered around what he had seen in Japan or around music or some phase of the arts. [Redacted] stated they had heard this individual referred to as a "Communist" but to their knowledge, he had never made any remark or indicated in any way that he was interested in Communism. [Redacted] cannot recall the source of the information indicating this individual to be a Communist but are of the opinion they had been told this by some mutual friend who attended gatherings at the PARSONS residence.
The indices of the Los Angeles Office reveal no record of [Redacted].
This individual is a personal friend of the PARSONS, [Redacted]. He was a very frequent visitor at the Manhattan Beach home of subject. [Redacted] visited [Redacted] apartment alone on frequent occasions and he evidenced great interest in her paintings. [Redacted] Electrical Test Laboratory of North American Aviation Company, Inglewood, [Redacted]. He has quite a reputation as an amateur psychologist.
When interviewed on December 2, 1950, PARSONS furnished the name [Redacted] as an individual the PARSONS can be contacted through inasmuch as the PARSONS do not have a telephone.
The files of the Los Angeles Office reveal no record identifiable with this individual.
[Redacted] advised this individual was a close personal friend and a frequent visitor at the PARSON' home during 1947 and 1948. He continues to be a friend, however, their contact in the past two years has been less frequent. He is described as being forty years of age, 5'7" in height, 130 pounds, and dark hair.
The current Los Angeles Telephone Directory reveals a listing for RODOLFO WALTHER, 1718 North Serrano Avenue, Los Angeles, telephone GL 3090.
Informant T-1, of known reliability, on June 25, 1940, advised that ROLFO P. WALTER, a representative of the Niro Corporation, associate organization of the Krupp Steel Company of Germany, is known to be pro-German throughout the United States.
The Los Angeles Police Department, on March 21, 1941 advised that RODOLFO ALEXANDO LEOPOLDO WALTHER, 1718 North Serrano Avenue, Los Angeles and formerly 1632 North Normandie Street, Los Angeles, was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 15, 1906. His last foreign address was Hamburg, Germany and he immigrated from Hamburg to New York under the name RUDOLFO WALTHER on September 3, 1928. He was employed at this time by the Niro Corporation, 280 West State Street, Westport, Connecticut as a sales representative.
[Redacted] of Lubbock, Texas, advised agents of the Dallas Office in 1942 that RODOLFO P. WALTHER, 919 Kingsley Drive, Hollywood, represents himself as a dental supply salesman. He has a very limited supply of dental instruments but a large supply of papers and documents. He shows little interest in selling dental supplies but wants to sit and talk at length about "conditions." WALTER is greatly interested in photographic work and on one occasion showed [Redacted] a number of photos of railroad bridges and other types of large bridges and buildings.
[Redacted], interviewed on February 2 and 15, 1951, advised at follows.
[Redacted] stated that she was a good friend of [Redacted] during the time they were in the WAVES together stationed at Washington, D.C. She says she met [Redacted] about 1943 at a time when [Redacted] had been transferred to the Anacostia Naval Station, Washington, D.C. from a position she had had with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and was with her in Washington until October, 1945.
[Redacted] advised that her friendship with [Redacted] has continued until this date. [Redacted] told [Redacted] she had gotten into difficulty while assigned to the Joint Chiefs of Staff because of an affair she was having with a suspected German agent. However, [Redacted] has never known the identity of this suspected German agent. [Redacted] described [Redacted] as unstable, morbid, irresponsible, intelligent but easily influenced and fascinated by intrigue.
[Redacted] advised she does not know the actual political philosophy of [Redacted] but is of the opinion she is a "liberal." She associated with a group in Washington, D.C. while in the WAVES, which group included a number of individuals believed by [Redacted] to be pro-Communists. The only members of this group who can be recalled by [Redacted] are GENE KELLY, the movie actor, who was in the Navy stationed at Anacostia; [Redacted] a Navy petty officer stationed at Anacostia in the photo laboratory and JIM HANNON, a Navy Commander stationed in Washington, D.C.
[Redacted] and HANNON are believed by [Redacted] to have settled in New York after terminating their Navy service. The physical descriptions and personal data concerning [Redacted] and HANNON recalled by [Redacted] are as follows:
JIM HANNON Age. 40-45 years Height. 5'8" Weight. 150 pounds Hair Light. Brown Telephone. Formerly Murray Hill 51035, New York. Business Prior to War. Advertising business in New York City.
[Redacted] advised that the night the PARSONS left the material with the [Redacted] to be typed. [Redacted] the PARSONS were extremely irritable, nervous, and hard to get along with, which was in sharp contrast to their normal behavior. The PARSONS' actions were so difficult to understand that [Redacted].
Regarding [Redacted] previously mentioned, [Redacted] advised this individual was a personal friend of hers and that she introduced him to the PARSONS. Regarding [Redacted] political philosophy, [Redacted] stated that to her knowledge, he is a good and loyal American.
[Redacted] advised she believes [Redacted] was born in Davenport, Iowa.
[Redacted], Veterans Administration Center, Los Angeles, on February 9, 1951 advised Special Agent CHARLES PAGE that the Los Angeles files of the Veterans Administration reveal no record of a [Redacted] and only one record of a [Redacted]. The one available record for [Redacted] is identified as having Claim [Redacted]. The file for this individual is in Washington, D.C., which according to [Redacted] indicates this individual is or has been out of the country.
Regarding GENE KELLY, previously mentioned , in the Fourth Report on Communist Front Organizations issued by the California Legislative Committee on Un-American Activities (Tenney Committee) in 1948 refers to GENE KELLY as having been a member, sponsor, or otherwise active in various organizations designated by the Committee as Communist Fronts or Dominated Groups.
Regarding [Redacted] previously mentioned, the current Telephone Directory for Los Angeles and Vicinity, reveal no record of this individual. The indices of the Los Angeles Office reveal no record for any possible spellings for [Redacted].
The files of the Los Angeles Office reveal no record identifiable with [Redacted].
The check of records of the Bureau of Vital Statistics, previously mentioned, was made on February 15, 1951 by Special Employee [Redacted].
The Registrar of Voters of Los Angeles County, checked February 16, 1951 by the writer, revealed no record of subject or subject's wife.
For the information of the New York and Washington Field Offices, the subject in September, 1950, removed certain classified material from Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, California, his place of employment, for the purpose of using material from these documents in preparing a cost proposal on jet propulsion motors. He planned to submit this proposal with an application for employment through the American Technion Society for employment in the country of Israel. On termination of employment at Hughes Aircraft Company, subject was found to have in his possession certain classified material of the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. The facts of this case were presented to the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice on December 20, 1950, and are presently under consideration.
For the assistance of the Washington Field Office, the following known information concerning [Redacted] is set forth:
At New York City: Will furnish any pertinent information appearing in the files of the New York Office concerning [Redacted] or JAMES HANNON.
At Washington, D.C.: Will at the Office of the Director of ZR and E Service, Veterans Administration, review file of [Redacted] to ascertain if this file is for [Redacted]. If file is for [Redacted] will ascertain a history of her studies under the "GI Bill" and her Navy serial number.
Will, if [Redacted] Navy serial number is ascertained from her VA file, furnish same to the New York Office in order to have a review made of her military service file (U.S. Navy — WAVES) at Garden City, Long Island.
Will check records of Passport Division, Department of State, for information pertaining to [Redacted] having been issued a passport and any background data therefrom.
Will check indices for any information concerning [Redacted] or JAMES HANNON, indicated to have been pro-Communist friends of [Redacted] during her service in Washington, D.C. from 1942 or 1943 until 1945.
At Laguna, California: Will verify marriage of MARJORIE ELIZABETH CAMERON and JOHN WHITESIDE PARSONS, believed to have taken place in 1946 or 1947, noting any background information concerning both parties and will furnish copies of this verification to the Washington Field Office in order to be able to assist in identifying records of subject's wife.
At Los Angeles, California: Will attempt to identify [Redacted] indicated to have been a friend of [Redacted].
Will take such further prosecutive action as is directed by the Bureau.
T-1: [Redacted] Post Office, San Antonio, Texas, whose identity is being concealed in view of his position.
REFERENCE: Report of Special Agent [Redacted] dated January 10, 1951 at Los Angeles.